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Horses Gathering at Sunrise

The Painted Ponies Gathering three Sunrise
©Laurie Pace       Graphics One Design 2024
The Painted Ponies Gathering Three Sunrise
Oil on Canvas  SOLD  by Laurie Pace  

Each of my painted ponies has a different approach or flair. This is fresh like spring for me and lots of sunlight. 

I mentioned yesterday I wanted to share about something that happened Saturday.  We were on our way to our grandson's baseball game and the sky was a beautiful blue and just a handful of clouds. I glanced up and was mesmerized by the clouds and the back lighting and contrast in several of them that were gathered together. Light playfully filtered through. I felt instant joy.  Let me type that again, I felt instant JOY. 

We know God gives us challenges. We know He walks before us... with us... and guards behind us. That and only that has sustained us through the last two years marked beginning Oct 5, 2022.  From Oct to the end of Dec was a journey I care never to have again. There was an inside breach on Facebook and I was one of those 'faith based artists' that was hit. There were many others. The details are not for expressing here but from federal to local law enforcement to a non existent group of customer service at Facebook... the battle raged. I fought to release my personal page and my business page from five 'names' that took them over even after I changed my password.... they charged 10k to my accounts attached to FB.  Shock and weariness was there through New Years.   At the same time, one of our dearest friends was diagnosed with Cancer and immediately put on hospice. 

2023 early on there were
family health issues and one of my parents falling in their nineties and that created a time of travel to surround them and help all we could with making them comfortable and content. I do not believe we ever hit the content point for them, but with family coming in, they were not alone very often.  The rest of 2023 and till today of 2024 has been filled with family illness and life time challenges, ambulances, ERs, hospitals, gravesites, worry, prayers and staying as strong for each other as we could.  We would not have made this year with out our faith and our family.

Last Saturday when I looked up at the clouds, and I saw the two that were semi merged and the play of sun on them... I felt joy for the first time in two years.  Real joy. My spirits lifted and every bit of tension left my body. I could breathe normally and my outlook was positive and light. 

Joy is yours today. Look around you and find something that brings lightness and love to your heart. He is there with you today, tomorrow and in the future. 

I miss the lake... I dropped in a photo below from inside my studio and what I saw out all the windows. 
Laurie Pace - A Texas Artist 

My studio at the Lake! I was overlooking the water... five huge floor to ceiling windows.

Laurie Pace Art Studio Lake Cypress Springs


INSTAGRAM : @LauriePaceBlog   Facebook

Laurie is an international artist, her paintings are collected in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, DuBai, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St Thomas, Romania, Greece, Croatia, and Ecuador.  


© Graphics One Design 2024


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