Warm with the Sunrise
18 x 27 Oils on Canvas Just finished this morning!
by Laurie Pace
It has been two years since I painted something over the size of 11 x 14. Usually it was 8 x 10 and I can count on one hand how many of those I painted. This pretty horse was painted over the last 8-10 days including the drawing, redrawing and contemplation and painting and more painting! As you know it has been almost 2 full years since I have been actively painting or blogging even. With the illness and death of my mom and my own injury to my right arm, and then a family member struggling... we have been traveling a season that has strengthened our faith.
The great sisters in Women Artists of the West, have been a huge healing power in me the last few months. The board members have walked this path with me sharing their times of family death, life challenges, and it made me realize it was time to paint again. I am thinking a knife painting soon. This was brush. This morning rise Horse painting just happened, but as I look at her, I realize the warm of the sunrise also brought hope for the day, newness of being alive, and the peace of this moment this day. (Make sure you scroll down to the bottom to see the photo of me and the painting!)
This morning my devotional with Streams of the Desert was absolutely what I needed. I will post a link if you want to read it. It deals with the Red Sea and you need Bible history to know about God parting the Red Sea for the Israelites to leave Egypt and get away from Pharaoh. I never stopped to think about us having our own RED SEAS in our live. Things that are there looming that we must 'get through'. Despite what falls or crashes or changes around you, GOD is right there. We must dare to trust Him, and we must dare to follow Him. He is our calm in any trial or storm.
Hubby and I have been in this season of crisis one after the other... and we are ready to start living again and casting it off with the promises God has made to us. He will see us through everything in this earthly journey.
Here is the link for you from You Devotion. I have the Daily Streams You Devotion App and it is truly fulfilling. No matter what storm you are in, look to the Lord and it will ease and eventually resolve. You have got God's Stamp on this. His Promise.
Follow the Spirit of the Paint... with Laurie Pace
“So may all your enemies perish, LORD! But may all who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.” Then the land had peace forty years." Judges 5:31
Laurie Pace - A Texas Artist
Laurie is an international artist, her paintings are collected in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, DuBai, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St Thomas, Romania, Greece, Croatia, and Ecuador.
© Graphics One Design 2023