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Sunrise Run, Time for Real Commitment in Marriage

Sunrise  Laurie Pace

  ©Laurie Pace       Graphics One Design 2023
Sunrise Run
Oil on Canvas by Laurie Pace

Oh my... I wanted to call it Sunrise FUN!!!  This was painted in 2011 and it is sold. What a fun piece this was to paint! Just enough Orange in the background with yellows to balance the purple and the blues in this stunning horse painting.  Had hoped to have a new painting to share...maybe I can start it today or tomorrow.  


We just celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary. Marriage is not for the faint of heart.  Marriage is work and marriage is commitment.  In the Bible Jesus speaks of a house built on sand and shaken by storms, while another house built on rocks, remained unmoved through the storms. What is yours based on?  Sand represents 'feelings' and Rock represents Commitment.  

There is no real "I" in marriage. It is a small 'i' 

Favorite Song: Walk through this World with Me... by George Jones

He or She did it, or He or She caused it.... Stop placing blame. Storms come upon all of us in life and especially in marriage. With God's help we can thrive through every storm and be stronger on the other side of it.  If you are digging in to your spouse with words like 'I' or 'Me' or 'YOU didn't.... "or "You Did this..."  you are definitely on shifting sand.  If you are standing on rock, it is always 'we'.  What do we need to do when things arise before us in our marriage?  Time to step back and realize this is not about you or me, but about US together.  How do we navigate this?

Simply put, it is your individual determination to work together through everything. Those vows read in sickness and health... through all times as
we made a commitment to the Lord to be COMMITTED to our marriage vows. We should thrive through the storms.  A good relationship counselor mentioned a successful marriage has very little to do with circumstances and a lot to do with determination. Every time you want to talk about divorce, take that word out and replace it with the word commitment.  

1. Lets talk about Commitment. The word Commitment is shown by honoring the vows you made before God and your family and friends with an unbreakable covenant to your marriage. 

2.This requires Perseverance where you CHOOSE to do it. Express your commitment with actions.  Feelings often step in to guide your path and they should not. Would you allow a child or young teen let 'feelings' determine how they react against someone?  Absolutely not.  God created us to love with our actions doing and honoring the marriage commitment.  Leading with hurt feelings into every situation before recognizing the reality of this serious commitment you have made, you must reverse and lead with love and commitment to help each other for your love to survive and grow. 

3. Where is your focus?  Is it on yourself or your spouse? Where is the sin, in yourself or your spouse? Probably both. Express your commitment with words.  Someone once told me if you feel dissatisfied with your marital situation challenge yourself for 30 days... just a little over four weeks of removing negativity out of your vocabulary along with not raising your voice... with everyone, not just your spouse but all situations. I remember when we were married and Terry was learning about parenting 101 very quickly. You can discipline but you need to find positive things to say to the child or teen... the actions are not acceptable, but you are loved and your are appreciated. Do this with your spouse. Stop nit picking everything. Look for the good always. Focus on the good things.  I am pretty sure if you do this, you will bring out the best in your spouse and in yourself.

 4. Do you have a love story? How did you get here today? This leads into learning to be selfless. Do you know what that means? Do you do things without expecting return? Sometimes I have to look toward heaven for grace to respond selflessly. As a Mom, I really was one to respond as needed... but as a wife, I too had to learn it was not about me, even though I felt hurt and left out at times. I had a Mother that taught me to always serve others. Even cutting up fruit, I give the best part to my husband, or preparing food, he is always given the best. I take what is left.  Thinking this is missing in the newer generations. It does not mean give up on yourself, but it does mean thinking of others first more often. You actually feel pretty good about it once you start doing it. Life is easier. On the looking to heaven, please remember Jesus said, "Apart from me, you can do nothing." Take time to engage with God and the Holy Spirit that lives within.  
5. Set your recommitment goals. Priorities... get back to church... put God first and go to Him when you find yourself going the wrong direction. Prioritize your faith and your church attendance. That is where your support is rooted and grows as you nurture your relationship with God and your spouse.  How do you want to see your marriage grow and change through this year? What areas need improvement... not what person needs improvement.  Put a game plan in action to accomplish the goals. 

oops.... I think I left out anger... let it go my friend. Anger eats us up and with it goes patience, selflessness, and love. Anger drags in impatience, fingers pointing and loud words in the air. Anger HURTS everyone. Screaming or loud voices HURT everyone. This is failure to communicate. 

Surround yourself with others that have stability and learn from their values as you create your path to a stronger relationship.  

In the process, renewing the vows in church is a joyful time. We had planned to do it on our 30th anniversary, but our youngest son and his wife did theirs and it is only a few days apart from ours. Terry and I find it might be necessary to recommitment together as time passes. The older we get, we are reminded to be kinder and grateful for what we have shared and for what is ahead. 

Follow the Spirit of the Paint... with Laurie Pace

So may all your enemies perish, LORD! But may all who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.” Then the land had peace forty years." Judges 5:31

Laurie Pace - A Texas Artist 


INSTAGRAM : @LauriePaceBlog   Facebook

Laurie is an international artist, her paintings are collected in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, DuBai, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St Thomas, Romania, Greece, Croatia, and Ecuador.  


© Graphics One Design 2023


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