©Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 2023
From the Christmas Capital of Texas
We wish you a Blessed Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus.
This is a reflective time of the year, when you slow down and breathe, and look back at the year. We all have seen happy moments, experiencing joy and laughter, and we all have seen pain, sorrow and even death, losing a loved one.
Our true trust and belief in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, provides us with His unfailing love, His unending mercy and His forgiveness when we repent and rest in Him.
If I was painting ‘this year’ I would tie this all into layers of color and overlays of the “best and worst” all meshing and blending to create this “2023 painting”, keeping part of the realism of events and still loosing them to the abstract thoughts that remain.
In Repentance and Rest… In Quietness and Trust
It is true if you repent of the darker areas of your life, you will find rest in the Lord God. At the same time, it is in this quietness and trust you will find your strength.
“My prayer for you is that you will overflow more and more with love for others, and at the same time keep on growing in spiritual knowledge and insight, for I want you always to see clearly the difference between right and wrong, and to be inwardly clean, no one being able to criticize you from now until our Lord returns. May you always be doing those good, kind things that show you are a child of God, for this will bring much praise and glory to the Lord” Philippians 1:9-11
We wish for you joy in the morning, laughter and love through all your days, spontaneous moments of delight, the true rest found in God, the brightest lights to guide you on your journey, the strength to face fearful moments resting in the Father, and the armor needed to battle what is ahead. He walks before you and with you and He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not fear.
Share what you can with others, giving of yourself and your gifts and talents. The joy is all around you, just open your eyes.
Merry Christmas, Laurie and Terry.
Laurie Pace - A Texas Artist
Laurie is an international artist, her paintings are collected in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, DuBai, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St Thomas, Romania, Greece, Croatia, and Ecuador.
© Graphics One Design 2023