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Rising Day Newest Horse Oil Painting from the Studio of Laurie Pace, Texas Artist aka ELLE PACE

  ©Laurie Pace       Graphics One Design 2023
24 x 30  Oil on Canvas
 by Laurie Pace  

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This was a work out over two weeks in the studio.  I put up video on FB and Instagram. Cannot figure out how to do it here!  I think it has to be embedded.  It began with soft acrylics to cover the surface...and then a sketch by hand of three horses. Being brave, I began painting in Acrylics but found the painting feeling disconnected or dull.  I whipped out the paints on Sunday  and finished it!  Now I am smiling when I look at the three... the front two take the message....  the middle horse has pulled up tilting his head to the horse on his left (your right) and his eye looking wildly at the red horse.  The third horse is not important other than making the presence of three horses.  
Much to Consider

Our times are flying past and many of you do not realize the truth behind what is happening.  I heard comments from an older woman that lives here from China. She has warned that we are facing what she faced there years ago with the take over of their government.  As I listened to her over her conversation, realizing she has spoken out before... my mind raced back to my college days. I have a double major of Art and History.  I read The Third Reich in college as part of one of my independent studies.   1280 pages... and a paper to be written. My heart was moved throughout the book... My mother's side of the family still had family living there when German people were taken under by mass propaganda. 

My grandmother came here just before the First World War.  Many of her siblings did as well, but three stayed behind. So many losses to be had.  The book is here on Amazon.  If you want to see what happens when the media controls your mind and all the people you might want to read it.  

Our United States citizens are in a vulnerable place right now.  We have the southern border wide open... millions millions and more millions of illegal aliens. We have our President flying in people from countries on our own planes... with more illegal aliens.  Between them and the mass media... beware.  These comments are on the Amazon page from Kindle Readers. There are many interesting comments from the actual readers. Warning: What is a red flag is the BIO of the author is from Wikipedia. 

There is more there from Kindle as well as from the readers of this book. 

My thoughts are to ask you to be educated and alert. The internet is already controlled and info is wiped off that does not follow the "Message". (Wikipedia has CHANGED the truth on many things. They are not to be trusted as they are rewriting our history. Remember I studied it before Wiki was even a thought. )  I am a conservative and not a 'party' person. This is not to be political in thought. I am not pointing at anyone... because I am thinking 98% of those serving in our federal government are there as part of a PARTY and vote not for their represented citizens, but for the party. (Sometimes for the 'other' party)  Our American public was quite different years back, but politics were the same. Without all the social media, we were kinder and open to friends and situations irregardless of political talk. Here in Texas, Democrats ruled most of it, esp in the small towns. These towns were filled with families that worshiped in church and very much lead by the Lord... and even then politicians were rare that voted for their citizens. 

Life will evolve... but it may not be as you hoped it would be.  What happened in Germany and China... will be happening here if we all do not open our eyes and make a change in our hearts and homes and our Senators, our House Of Representatives and our news media. 

One day soon, more books will be banned, burned or rewritten. "They" have begun to destroy the history of our nation removing many things from our cities.  Take care of yourself and those you love.  Be kind to your neighbors and friends.  

Follow the Spirit of the Paint... with Laurie Pace

So may all your enemies perish, LORD! But may all who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.” Then the land had peace forty years." Judges 5:31

Laurie Pace - A Texas Artist 


INSTAGRAM : @LauriePaceBlog   Facebook

Laurie is an international artist, her paintings are collected in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, DuBai, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St Thomas, Romania, Greece, Croatia, and Ecuador.  


© Graphics One Design 2023


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