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The Blue Mist and the Abyss in our Nation by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  ©Laurie Pace       Graphics One Design 2022

Blue Mist
 by Laurie Pace - Sold. 

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“Mist in the morning is Earth’s morning breath…” Nanette L Avery

The Painting
Be still my heart. This painting is truly a painting tied to my heart. I cannot explain it, but it is. The mist, the colors and the contrast all pull you on the journey across the canvas from left to right. It is almost as if they are stepping off the edge of the world into the mist... charging ahead. Christmas is arriving soon! If you want a commission painting, I still have time to paint something special for you!

My Thoughts
Above I mentioned how the horses are stepping off the edge of the world. The more I thought about that phrase, they are actually stepping off into the abyss.  I feel we all are on the verge of that abyss today or actually in the abyss. We need a restoration in our lives of at least fragments of what we knew to be 'more normal'.  Perhaps a restoration of a balance between our physical existence and our emotional existence. Not sure about you, but I continue to often feel like I am living in crisis mode with the atmosphere of pitting people against people.  Woven through this is our daily challenge of complications and our ever present health crisis, the looming of no heating over the winter, food shortages, limited things coming through the pipe line, (not just gas) for the dwindling shelves at the grocery store or local Target.  This is human struggle as we have not faced before in the lives of my generation that grew up in the sixties forward. It impacts all generations and every aspect of our lives. 

Back during the World Wars there were shortages. I do remember my mother talking about saving their sugar rations over a period of time to make a wedding cake for my aunt getting married. She was 7 years older than my mom. That was during WWII. We have faced gas shortages as well as abundance times during my life. But never like it is today. Our groceries are up over 33%. Soon it will be 50%.  Who do I thank for this?  

Where did this begin... this that is creating a 'new world'? I want to travel back to simpler times before every decision or action was based on a shutdown and a disease.  It is but a dream to try to move back to the country life we left in early 2013. Our children and grandchildren are nearby and family is everything to us. It may be all that survives under our current government.  The illegals are crossing the border in escalated numbers. Murders and crime are on the rise and the police and other agencies struggle to bring peace to a non ending 'bleed' across the Texas border. After arriving here, those illegals are being transported by flights to states that have no knowledge of their arrivals at 4 am in the morning. Terry and I have sat outside in the middle of the night and watched the flights leaving the Alliance airport. They may be coming to your state. They tell you these are children. Mostly 'boys' that are really not boys...they are men. Some are 21, 24, 26... and up.  Posing as boys.  One of these 'boys' (actual age 24) murdered a father in a home where they were placed in Florida. Think about that, a family volunteers to take two or three 'boys' from the Texas border and get them in school and be a family for them. After all, they crossed 'all alone' and have no family here. Now that home no longer has a father for their own children. Most of the boys have stolen identities from the real 16 or 17 year olds still in Honduras or Guatemala. No they are not vaccinated. No they are not tested. But they are all here thanks to our current administration, arriving soon to your state, if they are not there already. 

Meanwhile the mandates grow, our constitution shrinks, and our rights are diminishing along with our freedoms, all at the same time. 

We are abiding with the Father. Only He can navigate through this mess in our country and guide us back to the light.

"For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,  in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." Colossians 1:13-14

Laurie Pace - A Texas Artist 


INSTAGRAM : @LauriePaceBlog   Facebook

Laurie Pace is an international artist with her paintings collected in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, DuBai, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St Thomas, Romania, Greece, Croatia,  and Ecuador.


© Graphics One Design 2021


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