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Face With In... learning to let go of Worry and More! Laurie Pace

  ©Laurie Pace       Graphics One Design 2021

Face With In
 by Laurie Pace - Available.
30 x 40 x 1.5 Oil on Canvas 

Shop Available Artwork. 

Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” Roy T Bennett- The Light in the Heart.
Painting 🖌
This is the entire painting of the one I shared post before last. If you bring your finger down to her chin and go straight to the right,... the piece of the face showing through is right near the edge and it is turned sideways. The Face With In... because the original face I left in the painting as I finished it. Fabulous Figurative Faces, thick paint application and 6-8 layers of paint minimum.  30 x 40 inches in size and wonderful Holbein Duo Oils with this one! 

🥘 Life Today 🍲😋

WOW.... 8 hours of sleep. Never got up once!  Even had good dreams along the way!  Woke up to life starting early about 5:15 am... and on the treadmill just after six this morning to go my three miles.

We had a full day that seem to stack up on it's own. Did you ever have one like that? I seem to get them all the time recently. During the past lock down, I learned to give my days to the Lord and try not to plan so much out. It never all went to schedule as I hoped anyway. Make a plan and listen for God's laugh.  Definitely better to let things happen and stop worrying. Our brains are like small battlefields with a field commander trying to accomplish everything on his list. Stir in the time you spend with worry, or doubt and don't forget to salt in a little confusion with some occasional anger.  This might lead to depression or worse. This is all in your mind. The attacks from the commander never seem to let up. 

Did you realize your mind controls your body? Before Covid, many of our hospital beds were full of people suffering from depression, chronic worry, anxiety and ever despair.  

  • Do you ever second guess yourself with decisions or plans...even when you did all the ground work to make the decision?  Once you make a decision, you should stay with it and not second guess yourself. Once you begin to hesitate, you are going the wrong direction.  Don't waver. If something goes wrong, then stop and regroup. 
  • Do you ever stop worrying?  Controlling everything seems to create worry. Or should I say TRYING to control everything brings in a tremendous amount of worry. Worry creeps in at night the fastest when we least expect it. We end up tossing and turning and never resolving the issue at hand. I have started giving anything in my head or that pops up at night right back to God. I can't resolve it, but he can.
  • Worst Case Scenario. This to me is worse than the worry part. I would rather confront those in daylight hours. Sometimes you can get past the worry if you look at the bottom line or the worst case. I am the list maker. If all has failed in figuring things out, my Dad taught me to make a list. Pros and Cons. This works for me most times. 
  • My Dad taught me the Fake it Till you Make game. It is a good way to start new habits. You simply make that list of what change is needed and you make that change. Like it or dislike... you chose to LIKE IT. After two weeks... you will actually like it and your life will have improved for the better. 
  • We are each UNIQUELY made. God amazingly created each of us differently. NOT the same, but uniquely created. Embrace your life as it is and find the strengths that lies within you.  Always be authentic. 
  • There are always going to be HATERS. That seems to be part of the evil here on earth. Disgruntled people always ready to criticize you and find things wrong about you, your life or your friends. The way to look at this is you are doing it RIGHT.  They are against you succeeding. They are simply trying to take you down so you do not succeed. The more they attack you, you must realize you are doing it right. 
  • Happiness cannot be found if you look for it. You only find happiness when you are doing for others. Take time to share joy with others and you will find immediate satisfaction in the process. 
  • Did you realize when you are TIRED you are at your lowest? Sleep and rest are a priority for all of us. You cannot accomplish anything when you are exhausted. 
  • Do not try to Organize everything. God will be laughing at you. Keep in mind what is on your full week and have a loosely written list of things you hope to accomplish.
Time to meet the new day each day with a tentative plan but stay flexible. Today I had to be really flexible. The joy was the time spent teaching first grade to my youngest granddaughter. Falling in love with her all over again. Tender of heart, she is a joy in my life. Yes, I find my self not staying up with everything I should be doing office wise, book wise, teaching wise, but on the flip side, by letting go of much, I am handling my book keeping better than anything and my house is clean! Give and take.  It works.

Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man.” I was cupbearer to the king." Judges 5:31

Laurie Pace - A Texas Artist 

INSTAGRAM : @LauriePaceBlog   Facebook

Laurie Pace is an international artist with her paintings collected in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, DuBai, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St Thomas, Romania, Greece, Croatia,  and Ecuador.


© Graphics One Design 2021


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