©+Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 2018
Size 24 x 36 . Sold Oil on Canvas.
Not sure what happened in northeast Texas today, but we broke a low and a high today since 1914. What would normally be temps in the high seventies and low eighties with lows around 65, has been trumped for the next two days. We have a high of 42 and it is hovering around 36-38 right now. With it is pouring rain that seems to have no end for the next 48 hours.
That being said, ATT offices in the DFW area were hit by lightning and there is intermittent cable and absolutely no internet. So my time is limited today.
The painting above was from 14 years ago, but one of my personal favorites. Trio of Sunflowers. I am hoping to do more flower paintings in the next few weeks. Time is flying by and my attention is pulled to the websites I manage and to my family.
Psalm 8:3-4 ."When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? "
Father-God never tires of us and mankind. His unfailing love is shown over and over through his presence in our lives and the lives of our ancestors.
That being said, ATT offices in the DFW area were hit by lightning and there is intermittent cable and absolutely no internet. So my time is limited today.
The painting above was from 14 years ago, but one of my personal favorites. Trio of Sunflowers. I am hoping to do more flower paintings in the next few weeks. Time is flying by and my attention is pulled to the websites I manage and to my family.
Psalm 8:3-4 ."When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? "
Father-God never tires of us and mankind. His unfailing love is shown over and over through his presence in our lives and the lives of our ancestors.
#horsepainting #lauriepaceart #equineart
Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist