©+Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 2014
Jonathan's Ornament
I am LOVING the days of preparation and celebration this Christmas. I appreciate every single one to the fullest, from the moment I wake to when I lay my head to sleep. I am stopping to smell the pine tree, the cinnamon sticks and bask in the joy of this incredible season.
Make sure you stock up on your Elderberry and take a spoonful every day.
Last year at this time I was sick. I had contracted bronchitis from an older sharing gentleman at Whole Foods who stopped by our table while we were having lunch with Lady L and complimented her manners. Then he walked away and as he did he began the deepest most congested cough I have heard in years. Terry grabbed Lady L and left me to grab the food as we tried to miss the explosive coughing that continued. I even debated calling 911 for the gentleman.
It took about two days and I began that dry tickle cough and in two more days it was bad. It would be the middle of February before I began feeling well enough to even venture outside our house. Never had fever but I was sick. The flu raged outside the walls of our home in our community...but I stayed home with my nasty case of Bronchitis. A good friend was home sick newly pregnant and chasing an active seven year old. She had basically the same thing. We spent our days texting and occasionally talking via phone when we were not coughing. I prayed her through and she prayed me through. She did deliver a healthy little boy and she is enjoying this year over last... but we are both remembering over two months of fighting this viral disease.
I guess I am sharing this to ask you NOT to go out if you are ill. Do not take your children out if they are sick. Do not think when you are sick and feeling better that you should go out and share the joy of what you had because you do not know if you are still contagious.
Some of you that follow my blog know we lost a grandson in Feb 2007 after he contracted something from a 'sharing' person that should have not been out in public. Grant was 11 years old. We just celebrated the joy of those 11 years remembering him on his birthday last week. He would have been 18 this month had he not fallen sick. The virus he contracted was deadly.
May your week be blessed with the joys of the holiday you celebrate. Know I am thanking God every single day for the blessing of his Son, my family, our health, our nation and our troops.
"stayhomeifyouaresick #donotspreadthegerms #jesusisthereasonfortheseason
Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist