Size:24 x 36 Oil on Canvas.
She is the inspiration of this painting. She has a 'cut away' at the top which for those of you that do not play guitar, it allows me to finger further on the neck of the guitar. The "over the moon" part of the title is from the layers of music on the original surface.
This palette knife Guitar painting was NOT as easy thing yesterday. I was on my feet over five hours as it evolved several directions. I painted it more like my old pear paintings of days almost ten years ago... and tried to keep the freshness of thick paint like my guitars of years ago. Maybe it is time for more music in my life.
Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Psalm 8:9
#lauriepaceart #musicpaintings #guitarpaintings
Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist