Progression on Racing the Storm at Sunset
24 x 36 inches
Sailboat Painting... Contemporary Palette knife boat painting.
Watch it evolve.
©Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 1998-2011
Contact me for your own commissioned painting: Laurie
It is a sailboat painting in progress. Follow me daily as the paint layers build.
Gathering from the Greek word espepisunagoge.
The Greek word espepisunagoge actually means "gathering together" or "a get together".
When I think of advent, immediately comes the gathering of family and friends in celebration of the coming birth of Jesus; a gathering with God for the celebration of the birth of Christ.
As we make each day in the last week of advent, think of things you need to gather close in heart to be in light with Him. Prayer is at the top of my list. Prayer is a wonderful 'gathering' time.
Another would be the gathering every morning and evening lighting the advent candle for the day. A gathering of spirit and love in anticipation.
A third might be a gathering at meals, again to glorify Him and the treasures of this season.
Another will be Christmas Eve as we gather at services around the world in remembrance and honor for the story and birth of Jesus. A gathering in song, in music, in words, in actions and in deeds.
The Lord gathers us close to Him.
Words of my heart,
“And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven” Luke 1:76-78 NIV
This is a video I cut in 2009 from my very messy studio at the old house in Dallas. This is a busy season of finishing up work and mailing things out. The words are from Luke, the beginning of the story....
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