At the Races? Not for long...visit back tomorrow to see where this painting journeyed to.
I decided it was too harsh to abrasive for me. While it stands up well in Photoshop, I had a day to study it, I read a book or two and came back and it is different for tomorrows blog.
24 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas
©Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 1998-2011
Sample of a nude from my collections of past paintings.

Contact me for your own commissioned painting
or to purchase this piece: Laurie
©Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 1998-2011
Sample of a nude from my collections of past paintings.

Contact me for your own commissioned painting
or to purchase this piece: Laurie
Crowded Spaces Mind Filled Races
Do you ever crave peace and quiet in life but find yourself constantly in motion and in crowds? The more people in a crowd for me the more blurred the colors are as each person emits to me a color in their mindset or mood. Such as this painting with people watching the horse races...color color color exploding everywhere.Does your mind feel that way? Crowded with thoughts and memories and what ifs? This painting is charged with energy and color... and I reworked it, watch for it tomorrow. This is a time to explore and try things and a great time for you to pick up a custom painting if it calls to you. I cannot wait to share it.
This single Moss Rose was still open late this evening. The blooms close up as the sun goes down and retreat to a tight ball until the morning when the sun hits them again. They open up stretching their petals to the warmth and begin transferring that daytime energy. I was surprised to catch one still open after seven last night. Wouldn't that be a hoot if we could 'Close Up' as the sun set and retreat to alone and pure quiet? Maybe these plants have something to teach us in simplifying our lives.

As I came in the house I spotted this Ivy, Terry's grandmother's Ivy that we have kept alive and growing for over twenty years together. Several times it has come close to expiring, but we clip it totally back and pull off most of the dead vines...and as it retreats to such a simple state it regains strength and begins to grow again rapidly putting out long stringers of brilliant yellow green variegated leaves. Again another lesson to learn from the plants... trimming back the leaves and stems to a short smaller plant in order to encourage strength and growth. Aren't there things in your life that need to be trimmed from it? Would it provide more for you and your family in means of a richer life of time together... maybe eating breakfast and dinner together like families use to do? Or going to church together and sharing with others in spiritual growth and study? If you are like me cutting out some things frees up a load of time. Spend it with those you love in a quiet peaceful gathering.
See if you can work on clearing out the 'stuff' in your brain you don't need to hang on to. Then start working on the excess in your life. What exactly are your priorities? Make a list and keep it close. Before you say yes to anything else, always consult that list. Keep time open for what is precious in life. Open mind, quiet times as you grow spiritually in your journey.
John 15: 1-2 "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful."
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