Beginnings of Wolf Pack
The Rare Gallery Jackson Hole.Last Morning
This morning Lori will arrive from Selah ranch to work with me for a few hours before flying back to Indiana. She was my one student that flew in for this workshop with a broken leg. She arrived mid day on Friday so I had promised some private time this morning. Last night I began burning discs from my lap top to move images to the big mac. I cannot wait to share the workshop with you. We have TWO blogs resulting from the workshop and by midweek I will share those addresses with you too! Selah Ranch is definitely not the Ghost Ranch of Georgia O'Keefe, but it is now the top choice of Artists of Selah Ranch. Commitments were made to do it again and to try and make it annual. This five star bed and breakfast is beyond your wildest expectancies. As soon as the next date is booked... I will have it up for you to sign up... with time to save up to come!
It felt good to finish up yesterday and we were busy with the clean up. Jane left with Barbara Haviland to visit the Beaumont/Houston area for a few days and then she is off for Austin to visit Emily Leland, another Artist of Texas in Fredericksburg. After that she heads out to Santa Fe.
How do you share the discovery of joyful creating with 13 incredible people? I hope to by tomorrow...Tuesday, after I catch my breathe somewhere along the way. I will be painting already today as I have three more paintings to complete for Denver and 6 new ones for The Rare Gallery in Jackson Hole. The picture snapped above was for PR for the Jackson Gallery. I will be trying to finish this one today.
May your week begin with a day of His grace.
“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” - Ecclesiastes 11:5
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