Progression on Max and Lucky
Commissioned Abstract Contemporary Equine Art4 ft by 4 ft Oil on Canvas
©Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 1998-2011
Contact me for your own commissioned painting. Laurie
Opinionated 2 year olds.
My daughter kept us in stitches yesterday. The baby is no longer a baby and so we are changing nicknames. She grew from Tinkerbell to Lady L. When she was still Tinkerbell, she was not in the frame of mind to think about potty training. When she turned two and became Lady L, she grew a mind of her own. We have been through several attempts at potty training; two months ago she was totally taken back by things coming out of her and dropping into the potty or even on the floor. It was terrifying to her little mind.
I heard from other Grandmothers terror stories of 3 and 4 year old still not potty trained. My toes curled.
So daughter called today and said Lady L was motivating around the house with out a diaper. She was dancing around to her Tinkerbell movie and wanted nothing to do with wearing a diaper. Daughter had high hopes. REALLY high hopes. I suggested moving the potty chair out near the tv so she would not be tempted to wait too long before heading that direction. So the princess throne was moved to the living room. Then I heard she had put her Tinkerbell balloon in the potty chair.
Daughter called back about an hour later. Lady L had brought her mom a diaper and said, "Please". So she put the diaper on her. She kept her eye on her and was cleaning the house. Lady L appeared a few moments later and informed her mom she had 'poop' in her diaper and she was ready for it to come off.
While we sat back and laughed at her control issues... it was like looking in a mirror. We all have things we must do and we want it always to happen in our time and our way. We want to be free of restraints in life and while doing so, we are truly sinking further into a control situation.
God is still waiting...He allows us to run around busy and then we make a mess and ask Him to clean it up because we are done doing our business.
Time to listen with both heart and mind. God has His plan for you.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2
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