Racing The Sunset
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2011
When a buyer commissions a painting, they take a chance on me as artist that I can paint and finish something close to what they love in my work. Often a prospective buyer will ask me to paint for them and always I ask them for the top three or four favorite paintings on my website. This provides insight to what attracts them to my work and makes it easier to see if we can work together. It becomes CHANCE on my side when they email pictures from other artists or photographs off the internet. Working from Photographs without copyright release is not professional or legal. Working from other artists' paintings is not legal or ethical either. Chance begins to flow on both sides and I get nervous.
I have never cared for chance.
I have never been a gambler in life and I don't take chances... but I do walk in FAITH. I have learned that one must often climb out of their comfort zone or they cannot grow with life. Faith is what encourages me to do this. Faith is how I accept commissioned paintings. Spending time emailing, talking on the phone or even exchanging hand written letters with the perspective buyer. Every bit of information I can gather about someone enable me to paint for them. I want to know about music they listen to, foods they love to eat, and even the book they are reading as they are contacting me.
In turn, they need to come to me in total faith that I will paint something that has a bit of them woven into the piece, a bit of me as I carry the brush, and the Holy Spirit that provides the energy and gift to paint.
How is your faith? When you take a check someone has written you to the bank are you viewing it as taking a chance that it cannot be cashed or are you viewing it in faith that the funds will be handed to you?
If you were in an airplane and it was going down and someone handed you a you jump in faith that it is going to open or do you fear you are taking a chance it will not open?
Blind faith is living fully with God and living each day sharing your faith.
Let's leave 'Chance' on the Monopoly game.
MY WORKSHOP IS READY...Click the workshop TAB above on the navigation bar or click HERE to see more. You can email me for a PDF or to ask questions or you can download if from this site. This my friends is walking in Faith.
"without faith it is impossible to please [God], for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6, NKJV)
I have never cared for chance.

In turn, they need to come to me in total faith that I will paint something that has a bit of them woven into the piece, a bit of me as I carry the brush, and the Holy Spirit that provides the energy and gift to paint.
How is your faith? When you take a check someone has written you to the bank are you viewing it as taking a chance that it cannot be cashed or are you viewing it in faith that the funds will be handed to you?
If you were in an airplane and it was going down and someone handed you a you jump in faith that it is going to open or do you fear you are taking a chance it will not open?
Blind faith is living fully with God and living each day sharing your faith.
Let's leave 'Chance' on the Monopoly game.
MY WORKSHOP IS READY...Click the workshop TAB above on the navigation bar or click HERE to see more. You can email me for a PDF or to ask questions or you can download if from this site. This my friends is walking in Faith.
"without faith it is impossible to please [God], for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6, NKJV)
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