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Progress on A Walk in the Garden with Him, Figurative Child Painting Garden by Texas Artist Laurie Pace, Praying for Others

Progression on A Walk in the Garden with Him
3 ft by 4 ft  Oil on Canvas    
Sold Commission
Contact me for your own painting. Laurie
  © Laurie Justus Pace     Graphics One Design 2011


One of the most joyous gifts of painting commission work is the spiritual connection you develop with the new collector.  You truly begin to learn more about them and as you paint and share comments; a small relationship begins to bud.  I love this part of the gift as it allows me to connect with both God and the collector.  I pray deeply before starting  a painting and always before I work on it, sometimes during and always as I am finishing up.

This commission piece I am doing honors the life of a woman lost from cancer to her husband and family.   The husband has shared so much of her "fast progressing journey" with cancer as well as how grounded she was in God. Her faith was strong and her love for others (she was a PHD in counseling) was second in her life. She was always caring for those around her. She was one of several sisters and she psychologically and spiritually connected with my original painting seven years ago. She loved it enough that is was a screen saver on her computer for many years there after.  There is a tiny glimpse of the original picture above... I have it hanging on the top left corner as I paint.  The composition has the two girls alike, as is the path, but the girls are doing different things, the dresses are different colors and the path is lined by different elements. The choice of sky is early morning instead of the misty fog in the original. It was that misty fog that hid what was ahead on the stone path. This painting needed a focus of light ahead.  Coming from the dark of the garden into His light.

My reasons for choosing the early golden orange sky was the feeling of seeing the light and beauty of heaven in its shining glory. The husband said blue was not one of his wife's colors so we chose to follow with a warm palette in the dresses the girls were wearing. The older girl wears red. For me symbolically I associate red with the blood of Jesus, knowing that He died for us to save us. I know that the woman I honor gave everything she had to others when they were in need, just as Jesus would have done.

The youngest girl carries a basket and she is filling it with flowers along her way. For me this symbolized those sisters his wife had left behind still on their earthly journey.  The older girl, symbolizing his wife... strides ahead confidently into the sunrise climbing the path toward the huge old tree that beckons her forward. She goes before to safely mark the way in their walk. She has left behind a rose on the stone bench where they had paused in their journey.  Somewhere prior she had left her basket, feeling encumbered on the walk by life's 'collections'. She let go of all of it but one single rose she carries in her hand (for her husband). She faces the light in sheer delight without fear as she heads down the path to the light, her sister safely in her shadow, still gathering flowers in her life basket.

In this larger composition, I placed the girls balanced in the center where the oldest is just to the right of center pressing ahead on the stone path... the younger one falling behind. I chose roses for the baskets because of the thorns. Life seems to contain unsuspecting thorns doesn't it?

I want this painting to connect for this man both spiritually for the belief in the glory and the light we yearn for in our lives as we grow closer to God, as well as the connectivity to family and friends that we love.

When I pray for others, no matter what the situation, I sit quietly opening up my senses to the Spirit surrounding me.  Connecting to God in this way I can pray for others in need, both for those I love and know, as well as for those I do not know.  I could not face a day without His joy connecting into my life. I want Him to be in yours as well.  I am confident knowing that He answers all prayers, maybe not the way I want Him to, but He does answer and we must have faith to know He will make all things as they should be.

VISIT my new Abstract Horse Painting Blog.


"Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive." Matthew 21:22



Julia Kulish said…
Laurie, What a beautiful post! I love the painting so far too. I can only imagine what this will mean to the husband. We just lost my mother in law to cancer a few months ago. So thankful that with Jesus, we don't "mourn as those who have no hope"

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