'Progress of Evening Dahlias'
20 x 20 Oil on Canvas
The snow is still on the ground. We ventured into the store yesterday to pick up some chili meat so Terry could make some chili. I taught piano and then later spent the evening working on this painting above. I have a close to final picture for tomorrow morning to share as well...but step by step is always good.
Where do you find peace in your life? At night when I wake up and can't go immediately back to sleep I begin to pray. I pray for every one on our prayer list; or I pray for blessings for each person I can remember to bless; or I do my prayer beads quietly in the dark. This is a time of blessed peace and quiet. Terry is always asleep when I am awake, and altho I do not want to necessarily be awake, I always praise God during this time because I am not interrupted by life happening around me. I have never been bothered by those times at night because I figure He has me awake for a reason.
Another place I find peace is when I am lost in painting a composition that is detailed. Usually there is quieter music going, or now a fire in the fire place crackling. It is a time I can reconnect to peace and to quiet and paint on auto pilot and allow my inside voice to commune and talk with God. It is here I find a centering in my life.
Now think about yourself. Where can you tuck yourself in to find a quiet moment? This is where you want to not think about anything except you and God. As you begin to breathe, close your eyes and allow your lungs to fill to maximum capacity and hold that air in for just a few seconds...and then slowly release it allowing all of your troubles and issues to leave your body. The second breath you take imagine you are taking in all of God's love, peace, strength and confidence. As all this new oxygen releases itself in your body you will feel the deep refreshing feeling that comes from this first step of learning to release it all to God. Continue to breathe and feel a oneness with Him. If you can, sit and breath slowly in and out and if you can't pray, just listen to the inside of your soul blocking out all the external noise around you. When you are ready to get up, you will find yourself at peace and energized to step back into your world.
Be centered in God.
I've never posted here but wait anxiously to see each wonderful piece you create.
You continue to bless me with your colorful ministry.
Have a wonderful day.