24 x 30 Oil on Canvas
I guess it is a wait and see proposal! Stay tuned.
I guess it is a wait and see proposal! Stay tuned.
It was a beautiful sunrise yesterday. Then the skies grew cloudy while we were in church and cold rain was falling in late afternoon. We had hopes for a nice long walk yesterday but that did not happen.
Jace came and painted with me for about two hours and we jammed on the guitars. He is doing so well and has such a nice voice when he sings. He is NOT your typical 15 almost 16 year old. So it was a full Sunday with church, lessons and time with Terry. LOTS of good food on our "eat more fresh veggies" diet. Finally realized I can eat as much as I want to eat of the foods that are healthy... and when I do I do not crave the bad stuff, like red meat, bread etc. As of today I have lost 18 pounds since the end of August. My clothes fit again. As the good Sheriff said today after church... getting rid of the tummy makes it easier to bend over and pick things up or tie your shoes. He is right.
What does Compassion mean for you? If you google it you find several ways to consider it. First as a virtue in which empathy and sympathy tie directly into love and connecting together with others. The deep feeling of compassion takes one to a level beyond empathy... it is level to take action. Do to others what you would have them do to you. Another view or definition is to suffer together through something with someone.
In Corinthians we find God to be the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. In this instance you must realize no matter what you are wading through right now (wading or waiting) that you will not be overcome if you believe, because God's love will comfort you and fill you. His goodness and love for you is boundless and never ending. New beginnings are ours for the taking, but they require a commitment of the heart and soul to God. Whatever happened yesterday is forever washed from you and transformed by His abundant love for you. Believe and you will experience how truly great His compassion is.
Stacey Beth was busy yesterday baking an old family favorite. Make sure you stop by JUST PLAIN SWEET and take a peek. She is shipping me one of these this week too! You might order one yourself. You will not be disappointed.
"Deep in my heart I say, "The Lord is all I need; I can depend on him!" The lord is kind to everyone who trust and obeys Him. " Lamentations 3:24-25.