The First Race Continues, Horse Oil Paintings, Equine Art, Texas Contemporary Fine Artist Laurie Pace
'Continuation of The First Race'
5 ft by 5 ft Oil on Canvas
Commissioned Painting SOLD
Commissioned Painting SOLD
Contact me for your very own painted ponies. Laurie
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2011
This is Jace, the son of one of our friends here at the lake. He has an awesome command of his paint brush. The painting will evolve slowly over the next month, but I will post his progress.
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2011
My Blog
New Year, new life each day, new breath each moment, all filled with the presence of God. If I suggest anything to add this year I would say learn to let go and breathe. With each new breath comes new life and a time to affirm the power of God. With each new breath will come a calm as you affirm the greatness of God. You are in His presence 24/7, but is He in your presence?
Stop holding your breath and exhale. Think back over the past year and all the highly emotional moments, some filled with fear and anxiety, others filled with relief and joy. There were times you shouted out THANK YOU LORD, and times you wailed OH WHY LORD.
Take another breath and hold it. Hold it for you as you feel the power of the oxygen fill your lungs... that is the power of the Spirit within you. Each deep slow breath will rejuvenate you with strength, a clear mind and the power to keep on going.
You are precious to Him and to me.
New Year, new life each day, new breath each moment, all filled with the presence of God. If I suggest anything to add this year I would say learn to let go and breathe. With each new breath comes new life and a time to affirm the power of God. With each new breath will come a calm as you affirm the greatness of God. You are in His presence 24/7, but is He in your presence?
Stop holding your breath and exhale. Think back over the past year and all the highly emotional moments, some filled with fear and anxiety, others filled with relief and joy. There were times you shouted out THANK YOU LORD, and times you wailed OH WHY LORD.
Take another breath and hold it. Hold it for you as you feel the power of the oxygen fill your lungs... that is the power of the Spirit within you. Each deep slow breath will rejuvenate you with strength, a clear mind and the power to keep on going.
You are precious to Him and to me.