' Three Roosters'
SOLD Commissioned Painting
SOLD Commissioned Painting
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2010
Christmas was a day and a half yesterday. I came close to the edge of forgetting it was even Christmas. Throw in only 4 hours of sleep after staying up late to build toys, the baby getting up for Santa just after 5 am, a chaos of toys, more toys, and more toys and Tunes of Woody singing HOME ON THE RANGE and Buzz Lightyear TO INFINITY and BEYOND, the Aliens from the Claws WOOOOAH, a Green dinosaur named Rex that says Raarr WERE YOU SCARED, Mr and Mrs Potato Head, a HUGE group of green army men marching to AH AH AH, a miniature trampoline, Lincoln Logs, Weebles, a Bitty Baby, cars with a garage, dress up clothes, games, purses, clothes and then blend in one trip to the ER, a trek to south Arlington to gather with our entire family, eating way too much food and driving back home to collapse.... and finally snuggling up with Terry to share our bible study reading the Christmas story. Then we both let out a deep breath and knew where we were. It was Christmas and the day was not done... the day will stretch into the year ahead and it is up to the two of us to do our best to keep the joy of Christmas in every day. Make living in Christ a way of living each day, not just on Christmas.
Christmas was a day and a half yesterday. I came close to the edge of forgetting it was even Christmas. Throw in only 4 hours of sleep after staying up late to build toys, the baby getting up for Santa just after 5 am, a chaos of toys, more toys, and more toys and Tunes of Woody singing HOME ON THE RANGE and Buzz Lightyear TO INFINITY and BEYOND, the Aliens from the Claws WOOOOAH, a Green dinosaur named Rex that says Raarr WERE YOU SCARED, Mr and Mrs Potato Head, a HUGE group of green army men marching to AH AH AH, a miniature trampoline, Lincoln Logs, Weebles, a Bitty Baby, cars with a garage, dress up clothes, games, purses, clothes and then blend in one trip to the ER, a trek to south Arlington to gather with our entire family, eating way too much food and driving back home to collapse.... and finally snuggling up with Terry to share our bible study reading the Christmas story. Then we both let out a deep breath and knew where we were. It was Christmas and the day was not done... the day will stretch into the year ahead and it is up to the two of us to do our best to keep the joy of Christmas in every day. Make living in Christ a way of living each day, not just on Christmas.
May the light fill your life in 2011.