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Kings of Leon Guitar Painting, Pop Art, colorful guitar painting, by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

'King Guitars'
30 x 30 inches  Oil on Canvas

Commissioned Christmas Painting SOLD 

Contact me to commission a painting. Laurie
   © Laurie Justus Pace     Graphics One Design 2010

 The painting I just finished of the guitars was based on the guitars played by the Kings of Leon.  Took some research and then decisions as I painted, but the collector liked the composition of another piece that Morgan and I did together several years ago, so I worked toward that as I painted. Kings of Leon rock the Charts with Gibson and Epiphone.  

Here are some of my guitar pieces from 2004-2008
I have played guitar for over 45 years and taught it for 30 years.  I have a 1975 Alverez Classical,  a 2002 Taylor 914 E, and a 2007 Laravee.

2004-2006 I did a series of these in colors and sold about 8 of them at a music store in Dallas.

 2007  This is the composition that inspired Kings Of Leon Guitars and it was painted
by my son and I together for a buyer in Oklahoma.

 2007  A collection of Four

 2008  Three singles from a grouping of six.

 2008 for an album cover.

Another piece done and two more to finish for the holidays...and then I will begin a 5 ft by 5 ft commissioned piece...horses of course for a new collector in Arizona.  

Just a quick catch up. We worked in the yard yesterday all day. COLD weather hit last night and we knew we would not be back outside to do much for almost a week. We raked leaves, but did not burn them yet.  Terry clipped hedges and we cleaned up extra trash that seems to blow in from the lake. We hurried through baked chicken and wild brown rice to go to the Christmas Parade in downtown Mt Vernon. It was so much fun to see all the kids and how excited they were with the small local holiday parade.  It is a wonderful community.

Do you remember the writing lesson on what does it feel like to be a blade of grass and you hear the lawn mower coming?? Sue Kemnitz  wrote me back and sent an image of her work... I love it.  I liked what she wrote:

"We are best when in submission to our Lord, letting Him clip away what is unnecessary, or even cumbersome and a drag.  In joy, because we know the final result will be the image of Jesus as He trims , prunes, and then encourages and cheers us on   All in His love and goodness. Enjoy process."
She signs her email.... "ONLY BELIEVE" and how very true is that!

 New lesson will post in the next day or so!  I usually say... prepare for abundance... is it yours..but I will close with Sue's ONLY BELIEVE....


“ When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”” - John 8:12


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