Mountain Herd Commissioned Painting for Ocean Prime Restaurant Denver Colorado, horse paintings by Texas Artist Laurie Pace
'Mountain Herd'
3 ft x 4 ft Oil on Canvas
Commissioned Painting for Ocean Prime opening in Denver, Colorado.
Will be hanging in a private dining room.
Commissioned Painting for Ocean Prime opening in Denver, Colorado.
Will be hanging in a private dining room.
We made our turkey yesterday and it was really good... and we now have our official LEFTOVERS!!!
I worked on the sunflower yesterday and the guitars, but neither are finished. This is a short Sunday blog because we are heading to church in a few moments. We got up late.
Today is the first Sunday in Advent and preparation begins as we focus for the celebration ahead.
I had received a note from a reader that made me tear up today. I wrote her last year "your life is already different"... and she shared that she kept that in her heart this past year and found power to begin healing.
Your life is truly different every day and you are empowered to make changes at your own will every day. Many of us are drawn to take steps backwards before we can go forward. I think the other missing element for all humans is giving yourself permission to move forward. We tend to keep ourselves paralyzed because we feel we are not deserving and in many ways have given up on ourselves. God has not ever given up on us. He is right there with you this very moment. Every step forward He is lighting the way. The steps backwards, He catches you in His arms as you fall or fail again. We all fail every day and we all ask Him for forgiveness and try so hard the next day to walk toward His light.
You have permission to heal. You can only do that from the inside out. The seed has been planted and the growth will come. You will bloom as you never even thought that you could. Things will happen in your life that will amaze you. Give yourself permission to be happy. Give yourself permission to drop that load of "darkness" that ties you down backwards.
Instead of that childhood game I grew up playing called "Mother may I?", it is "Father may I?" and His answer is
"YES YOU MAY, my daughter/son."