Rocky Mountain High Abstract Horse Oil Painting Equine Art by Contemporary Texas Artist Laurie Justus Pace
'Rocky Mountain High'
24 x 30 Oil on Canvas
Contact me directly or STEVE at the Mirada Gallery in Denver.
Contact me for commission work. Laurie
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2010
This morning we are attending a political gathering in Mt Pleasant. I do not address politics often in my blog and only go so far to say I am very conservative and that probably tells you enough. The Republican Party is having many state level leaders in and we are guests of our local sheriff and his wife. After the morning meeting with speakers, we head into Dallas for our daughter-in-law's PHD graduation from University of Texas in Dallas. A celebration dinner is planned after the ceremony. Sunday will find us enjoying the "Tink" short for Tinkerbelle aka our granddaughter, and Monday back into Dallas for an early morning appt before heading back home. So blogging will be minimal over the next few days but my trusty rusty laptop travels with me. GO MAC GO!
I believe firmly in prayer before travel for anyone. God goes before us to make our way safe and our travel successful. This simple affirmation puts a warmth in you knowing that He leads the way. We are immediately aware that He will guide us as we prepare for the trip and as we make the journey. He will bring us safely home.
No matter what is ahead, we must remember there is no place that He is not. His presence is with us through high waters and storms as well as through the desert. Keep the vision of His Grace leading you and know you are safe.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1