'1 The Promise'
3 ft by 4 ft Oil on Canvas
Commissioned Painting
Commissioned Painting
Contact me to commission your own Painted Pony. Laurie
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2010
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2010
The Painting: Next comes the beginning of the layering process. Colors pulled on top of other colors. No such thing as use paint sparingly. I entitled this painting The Promise, do you know why?
The Thought: We went out to dinner on Friday night with Paul and Vicky. (Paul is the local Sheriff and one of our oldest and dearest friends from junior high school.) We met them at the nearby Tall Tree Marina Restaurant and had a fabulous meal. I have to recommend the place highly. We were there two hours or more, laughing, sharing and eating. All the area folks coming in to eat all know Paul and Vicky so we met more of our neighbors.
We sailed Saturday afternoon. Too many skiers and ski jets out there. Little kids without life vests...it amazes me. Here it is today Father's Day. Why are these fathers not looking out for those little ones? Why are there 10 year old children out navigating ski jets? It seems perhaps some fathers have forgotten their job.
We sailed Saturday afternoon. Too many skiers and ski jets out there. Little kids without life vests...it amazes me. Here it is today Father's Day. Why are these fathers not looking out for those little ones? Why are there 10 year old children out navigating ski jets? It seems perhaps some fathers have forgotten their job.
I was blessed with a truly keen father. He was definitely a disciplinarian while I was growing up. He worked very hard, and most of the time it was Mom doing the disciplining. If Dad stepped in, it was time for major concern. All my life he and my mom both have been teachers and protectors. They taught all three of us to be responsible people in today's world. None of us went the drug route, or alcohol abuse or the plain irresponsible bum route. We all take seriously our place in life and we were brought up serving the Lord.
As a card carrying AARP (They send those to you as you turn fifty now!), I know the journey of carrying the load of some of my children still, and have had to face the aging of my parents and my dad's Alzheimers. The Baby Boomers seem to face sandwiched in between the younger and older generation as we age learning more coping skills by the day.
But today we celebrate our special Dads...some have been buried and gone, but their memory lingers in our hearts. Some are ill and suffering and some are still puttering along. Some are really young and have little ones at home... they are still strong in heart, body and mind. Whoever they are and where ever they are, Our Father blessed us all with our earthly fathers to care for us.
I am sure my dad will sing to me again today... 'Take me out to the Ball Game."
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20