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Out of the Canyon Abstract Equine Art Painted Pony Pull by Contemporary Texas Artist Laurie Pace

'Out of the Canyon'
24 x 36  Acrylic on Canvas

Contact me to purchase by check or paypal. Laurie
 © Laurie Justus Pace     Graphics One Design 2010

The Painting: This just was finished two days ago and is in Dallas at the Dutch Art Gallery being framed for the collector.  

The Thought: As I reflect on yesterday and the long trip into Dallas and our over-stuffed day...I get tired thinking about it and I have had some sleep last night. More travel in the next few days as well...

What did I learn yesterday? That another family must have died in a wreck on I30 traveling east into Dallas. There were five new white crosses with names and flowers on the right side of the road going into Sulphur Springs.   Terry and I prayed together as we saw the new crosses and I could only read one name as we whizzed by at was a little boys name on the cross.  This accident wiped out an entire family.

Made us stop and think how this custom has grown here in the US to place crosses on the roadside where your loved ones died. 
So many accidents are avoidable; cell phones and texting have amplified the danger on the road.  You use to worry only about drunks and sleepy tired folks, but now every car is a danger with the constant use of cell phones on the road.

We had watched on Oprah this past year, where several folks took on her challenge saying they were top texters and could drive and text at the same time. They failed the challenge.  I would guess most of the teens and college age and maybe into their thirties... mostly believe they can multi-task with driving.   There need to be stricter laws just like there is with drunk driving.  There should not be any texting or talking on cell phones when operating a motorized vehicle.

From Car and Driver and CNN
"Rigging a car with a red light to alert drivers when to brake, the magazine tested how long it takes to hit the brake when sober, when legally drunk at .08, when reading and e-mail, and when sending a text. The results are scary. Driving 70 miles per hour on a deserted air strip Car and Driver editor Eddie Alterman was slower and slower reacting and braking when e-mailing and texting.
The results:
  • Unimpaired: .54 seconds to brake
  • Legally drunk: add 4 feet
  • Reading e-mail: add 36 feet
  • Sending a text: add 70 feet"

 Can you take that chance of traveling 36-70 extra feet when you should be stopped just because you were on your cell phone texting or reading email?  You can do a lot of damage in 36-70 feet.

Just food for thought this morning before you go out to start your day in the car.  Turn your phone off or train yourself NOT to answer it while you are driving.  Our friend Deborah Whitington, Realtor REMAX in Dallas has a recording on her phone. She will not answer the phone if she is driving; driving is part of her job and she believe in safety first. The call can wait until she arrives at her destination.  

Remember how important the journey is to both you and the folks you encounter along the way.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”- Matthew 7:13-14


Margaret said…
Thank you for your thoughts that go along with your beautiful paintings. A few years ago, traveling from IL to MI, we passed a van crumpled up like an accordian with stuffed animals, homework and drawing papers, crayons, kids books (etc) scattered all over the road. We were in our van taveling with six kids. I have NO idea what happened ... but I still prayer for them to this day - when I remember. Thanks for reminding me today.

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