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'Revolution' Equine Contemporary Art Horse Daily Oil Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

24 x 30  Oil on Canvas


Contact me to purchase by check or paypal. Laurie

© Laurie Justus Pace     Graphics One Design 2010

The Painting: Another Oldie Goldie. Tomorrow I return to my easel after about a two week break. God is good and I know I am ready to come back and create some new is an open book and a new step every day... take out those paints and let the flow, run, drip, glob and make art happen.

The ThoughtExpiration Date.... we were at the store and I was checking expiration dates on things to make sure Murphy's Law did not encourage me taking something home that we could not eat. I hate returning things... so much trouble to keep up with receipts and then remembering to take it with you on the next trip there.

Expiration Dates... do we have those on our gifts from God?   I tell Crystal daily she has to use her gifts.  We are just beginning to identify them, but the child of my heart has a huge heart to want to love and be loved.  I pray daily for the right words to heal and help her on this journey.

Now...back to expiration dates.... do our gifts have them?  I sort of think so.   Use it or lose it.  You have heard that before.  Also practice makes perfect...another phrase from my past.  I can't help but wonder if God hates it when the gifts are given and are unused and often ignored...or returned.  My mom was blessed with tremendous healing gifts.  Lately with my Dad's illness, she has not been able to use these gifts as she always has and I know her own healing will return soon. My eldest daughter, Tink's mom, has these gifts, but has not developed them yet.  Come to think of it, my husband has this gift too. Whenever I am in pain or mounting fear...he is able to pray with me and put his hand on my chest and calm will come.  Not every one can do this... I cannot.  I have other gifts.

Watch those expiration dates on the talents and gifts you have been given.  Start using them before they disappear or expire from lack of use.  Humm, what would those gifts be? I hope you can read these. I made the full list below with the help of Wikipedia.  Find your gifts in the list and write them down.

Gifts of the spirit are clearly distinguished from the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22). Jesus predicted the occurrence of false gifts, particularly in the end time (Matthew 24:24, 7:22,23). Hence while spiritual gifts are very important for a Christian, the fruit of the spirit is a better test of the genuineness of a person.
Gifts of the Spirit Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12,13 & 14, Ephesians 4

Apostle: One sent by God with a holy mission to fulfill; and the supernatural power and spiritual gifts to fulfill the mission. Known by the fruit of the spirit overflowing. Apostolic ministry involves laying foundation. In the case of Paul and Barnabas, we see this expressed in 'church planting' by preaching the Gospel in new areas. Apostles in scripture worked in teams. An apostolic team shared a 'measure of rule' in churches started through their ministry in regions where they are the first to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. (II Corinthians 10.)

Prophet: One who speaks, or communicates a message, authoritatively, as moved by the Holy Ghost. Known by their good fruit.

Evangelist: Someone who desires that all should come to know the truth that God loves everyone so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for their redemption, or someone who is gifted to proclaim this message.

Pastor: A word that means 'shepherd.' Pastors are gifted to lead, guide, and set an example for other Christians.

Teacher: Someone able to understand the more difficult things of God and explain them in a way that is easy to understand and live by in daily life.

Service: Supernatural ability to do for others whatever needs to be done. Divine ability to carry another burden or task without notice or earthly reward.

Exhortation: the ability to motivate Christians to do the works of Christ.

Giving: being blessed by God with resources or time and being able to give them where and when they are needed with a cheerful heart.

Leadership: God-given insight into when something needs to be done, who can do it, how it can be completed, and how to lead those people to get it accomplished.

Mercy: A heart to care for and encourage those who are not able to care for themselves and whom no one else would care for. Knowing who to help and when to help.

Word of wisdom: A message, concept, or bit of wisdom that God reveals supernaturally to the recipient. It may or may not be shared with others.

Word of knowledge: A message, concept, or bit of knowledge that God reveals supernaturally to the recipient. It may or may not be shared with others.

Tongues: First use is a supernatural ability to speak another language not known by the believer speaking it. Second use is a supernatural ability to speak another language not known by the believer speaking it; to build up the body of Christ when the message is interpreted. It is the language of the Holy Spirit.

Interpretation of tongues: Supernatural ability to make tongues a clear message to all that are present to edify, exhort and comfort the body of Christ.

Prophecy: Supernatural ability to receive a message from God to edify, exhort and comfort the body of Christ or a believer. To speak as moved by the Holy Spirit. Not all prophecies contain predictions about the future.

Working of miracles: The ability to perform supernatural acts by the Spirit of God.

Gifts of healing: Supernatural ability to bring or release healing to a person in their body or soul.

Ability to distinguish between spirits: Supernatural ability to know what is from God and what is not from God. Divine ability to reveal a demonic spirit or influence and bring God's power (Jesus' blood) and God's love (Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection) in its place.

Faith: Knowing what you hope for, having a conviction about things you cannot see, trusting God, believing God’s Word, and obeying God. (See Hebrews 11)  Wikipedia

Blessing you with ABUNDANCE in this new year.


"Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.
 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord." 1 Corinthians 12:3-5


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