24 x 18 Oil on Canvas
Contact me to purchase by check or paypal. Laurie
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2010
The Painting: Another free flowing wide brush horse...
The Thought: Who does the battle belong to in your life? The most famous battle I remember in the Bible was when David went up against Goliath. WOW... that was something noteworthy for all us little guys in the world that cannot throw a spear or shoot a gun.
David knew the battle was truly not a human battle of strength...he knew it was about the divine power of God.
We all face battles daily, and some get pretty heated and our tempers flare easily. We must give this anger to God and allow Him to take on the battles. If we stay centered in Him and know He can conquer anything...it will come to pass. You must live for God to have the triumphant confidence that David had. No earthly threat, man or mouth can match the power of God.
As you prepare for this new day make a commitment to give all your battles to Him.
"All this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord's." 1 Samuel 17:47