'Fayln in Ireland'
24 x 36 Oil on Canvas
Contact me for commission work. Laurie
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2010
The Painting: This is another small piece of one of the little girls above in my header on the blog. The family went to Ireland this summer.... I love painting these little miniatures.
The Thought; I may have to be thoughtless today... no sleep, sick husband. He was up and down all night coughing, wheezing etc. He has had a sore throat and I got meds from Northlake Health Food Store for that... but now the chest is involved. I started him on Mucenix ( I think I spelled that wrong) this morning at 5 am. SOOO... not much in my head today, my eyes keep nodding off if I sit longer than 10 minutes.
I am in prayer for the those in Haiti. That includes all the support and relief groups dedicating their time and concern as well as those that have been on ground zero where the earthquake occurred. The world seems so much smaller these days with the internet and tv news. Everything unfolds before us in an instant and we are wisk to that very place. God has a good plan, it is His plan and He knows what will be; so when things happen to us, it is how we react and deal with these things that determines our growth as believers. God is moving and unfolding His plan all around us, just as a painter does on a canvas. He is after all the Great Creator and Head Artist of All. His brushstrokes can change the composition of our lives in a single breath.
"To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”- John 8:31-32