The Painting: THICK OILS... passionate color, two horses, no impasto.... need I say more?
The Thought:
I was checking up on the Winsor Newton competition where I am attempting to win $1000 in art supplies for the foster children in North Texas through Covenant Kids. I only submitted ONE painting into the contest. Many folks submitted MANY paintings. If you look at the page I have pasted below you will see that there are only four artists in the top eight. PLEASE support my White Arabian Nights with five stars as I would love to donate these supplies to Covenant Kids to be used in their foster homes.

CLICK on the White Arabian (in purple) to the left and please give a five star rating supporting the gift to Covenant Kids. Pass it on to friends if you have already voted. There are only a few weeks left.
We are still on Vacation. Terry is still tiling the bathroom. I did not realize this would be such a daunting task but he is a gifted mason and very particular along the way. He rips it out if he doesn't like it and doesn't think anything of it. I guess I am that way when Painting. If I have a painting almost finished and it is not working, I do not think twice before wiping it off the canvas and beginning it again.
I am glad God only did that once to mankind. He wasn't happy with where we were and sent the huge floods. I am glad He does not do that to each of us whenever we appear to be going in a wrong direction or mess up our lives. We seem to do it to ourselves. We have choices everyday on what we choose to do and how we choose to react to things happening around us.
Choose your battles carefully.
“He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”- 1 John 5:12
The Thought:
I was checking up on the Winsor Newton competition where I am attempting to win $1000 in art supplies for the foster children in North Texas through Covenant Kids. I only submitted ONE painting into the contest. Many folks submitted MANY paintings. If you look at the page I have pasted below you will see that there are only four artists in the top eight. PLEASE support my White Arabian Nights with five stars as I would love to donate these supplies to Covenant Kids to be used in their foster homes.
This pictures hyperlinks to the top eight paintings.
To Vote please click on my White Arabian Horse to the left of my blog or once connected on this page vote directly on the painting from there.
To Vote please click on my White Arabian Horse to the left of my blog or once connected on this page vote directly on the painting from there.

CLICK on the White Arabian (in purple) to the left and please give a five star rating supporting the gift to Covenant Kids. Pass it on to friends if you have already voted. There are only a few weeks left.
We are still on Vacation. Terry is still tiling the bathroom. I did not realize this would be such a daunting task but he is a gifted mason and very particular along the way. He rips it out if he doesn't like it and doesn't think anything of it. I guess I am that way when Painting. If I have a painting almost finished and it is not working, I do not think twice before wiping it off the canvas and beginning it again.
I am glad God only did that once to mankind. He wasn't happy with where we were and sent the huge floods. I am glad He does not do that to each of us whenever we appear to be going in a wrong direction or mess up our lives. We seem to do it to ourselves. We have choices everyday on what we choose to do and how we choose to react to things happening around us.
Choose your battles carefully.
“He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”- 1 John 5:12