The Painting: Spice and flow created this unusual composition as I listened to the music of Bright Eyes. This is a group my future daughter-in-law loves and I downloaded it to my Mac so I could try painting by it. Made good moves with the palette knife!
The Thought: Vacation continues. I miss being in Montana and Wyoming this summer. We are rather stuck in Dallas heat and Terry continues to work on the bathroom. We have a special visitor this weekend keeping me way busy.
Terry unloaded all ALL ALL of his plastic model kits in my studio. There will be no painting until we get them relocated. This requires deep breathing for me. We get no where with discussions. When they were at his dad's house they were in a non air-conditioned space, but here, he wants them air-conditioned. Didn't seem to bother them the last 17 years over there. You can't really tell from the picture but the stacks continue behind these across the room passed his desk to the wall.

Breathe... I must center and breathe on this one seeking peace and calm. I am reassured we will find a solution.

The Thought: Vacation continues. I miss being in Montana and Wyoming this summer. We are rather stuck in Dallas heat and Terry continues to work on the bathroom. We have a special visitor this weekend keeping me way busy.
Terry unloaded all ALL ALL of his plastic model kits in my studio. There will be no painting until we get them relocated. This requires deep breathing for me. We get no where with discussions. When they were at his dad's house they were in a non air-conditioned space, but here, he wants them air-conditioned. Didn't seem to bother them the last 17 years over there. You can't really tell from the picture but the stacks continue behind these across the room passed his desk to the wall.
Breathe... I must center and breathe on this one seeking peace and calm. I am reassured we will find a solution.
Be renewed in what you do today... breathe
"Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being." Genesis 2:7