'Summer Garden'
15 x 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
Contact me for Commission work: Laurie
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2006
15 x 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
Contact me for Commission work: Laurie

"Let the fig tree teach you a lesson. When its branches become green and tender and it starts putting out leaves, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you will know that the time is near, ready to begin. Remember that all these things will happen before the people now living have all died Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." Matthew 24:32-35
The Painting: This is an archived painting but after viewing it, I may be inspired to do a "this year" painting with the same color palette.
The Thought: The verse was on Bible Verse this morning and it gave me pause to think. I always knew eventually the earth would pass away...but heaven too?
From all my reading and studies I know there is no "set" time for the second coming of Christ. There seem to be a lot of "watchmen" out there filled with suggested times and predictions, but no one knows.
Not wanting to jump into the writing and debate of Revelations, I will use this verse in a slightly parallel purpose. It is an everyday purpose. A purpose to live today. Reflecting for a moment on the words "let the fig tree teach you a lesson"... the lesson about life in general. With birth and life and growth there are seasons in our lives with lessons to learn in each of them. There is purpose in living every day. Only the Father knows what is ahead for each of us. No one can predict what will be your life. Only the Father knows when it is your time die. Here too can be "watchers" and "worriers", but if you are watching and worrying about when you will die, you are not living your life and serving Him with purpose.
The future is today. We do not know what is tomorrow. Live this day to it's fullest potential and be living God's word. Then you will be ready.
The Thought: The verse was on Bible Verse this morning and it gave me pause to think. I always knew eventually the earth would pass away...but heaven too?
From all my reading and studies I know there is no "set" time for the second coming of Christ. There seem to be a lot of "watchmen" out there filled with suggested times and predictions, but no one knows.
Not wanting to jump into the writing and debate of Revelations, I will use this verse in a slightly parallel purpose. It is an everyday purpose. A purpose to live today. Reflecting for a moment on the words "let the fig tree teach you a lesson"... the lesson about life in general. With birth and life and growth there are seasons in our lives with lessons to learn in each of them. There is purpose in living every day. Only the Father knows what is ahead for each of us. No one can predict what will be your life. Only the Father knows when it is your time die. Here too can be "watchers" and "worriers", but if you are watching and worrying about when you will die, you are not living your life and serving Him with purpose.
The future is today. We do not know what is tomorrow. Live this day to it's fullest potential and be living God's word. Then you will be ready.
"No one knows, however, when that day or hour will come neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son; only the Father knows.Be on watch, be alert, for you do not know when the time will come. It will be like a man who goes away from home on a trip and leaves his servants in charge, after giving to each one his own work to do and after telling the doorkeeper to keep watch. Watch, then, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming it might be in the evening or at midnight or before dawn or at sunrise. If he comes suddenly, he must not find you asleep. What I say to you, then, I say to all: Watch!" Mark 13:32-37
Website, Laurie Justus Pace
Website, The Painted Pony
Blog, A Texas Contemporary Artist
Blog, Wonders of the Heart
Jackson, Wyoming – The Rare Gallery
Penn Yan, New York—Earthworks Art Gallery
The Village of Granville, Ohio—The Gillian Jones Gallery
Marble Falls, Texas – Patina of Marble Falls
Dallas, Texas—The Dutch Art Gallery
Atascadero, California – The Red Tree Gallery
El Dorado Hills, California—Our House Gallery
Hong Kong – SR Gallery
Erie, Colorado – The Daily Painters
Dallas,Texas – The Daily Painters of Texas
Centennial, Colorado—The Daily Painters Abstract
WAOW, Associate Member Women Artist Out West
OPA, Associate Member Oil Painters of America
AWS, American Watercolor Society
The Five Graces, 5Graces
Ask Art, Blue Book of Artists