'Kelly - New Beginnings'
30 x 30 inches
Mixed Mediums
Commission SOLD
Contact me for a personalized fun painting! Laurie
30 x 30 inches
Mixed Mediums
Commission SOLD
Contact me for a personalized fun painting! Laurie

The Painting: This was fun layers of watercolor, acrylic, stamps, varnish etc. It was a work that was commissioned by my son of his now NEW fiance, Kelly. He had words from a poem he had written her and wanted specific colors and items through out the painting, including the ring on her finger. We had fun....and she loves it and she said YES when he asked her to marry him. He was 12 and she was 8ish when they met at church many years back.

The Thoughts: Mind Mumbling came into thought last night. Could not find much on the internet but it is definitely rolling around at the moment in my head. I link it up with grumbling... do you ever mutter to yourself? Mind mumbling has got to be a fumbling around of thoughts in your head. Bottom line it is mind clutter.
Do you think we could make it something good by recycling it? Mind mumbling could be sanded gently into Mind Meditating. It would be a matter of letting go of the mumbo jumbo and adding focus.
When you mumble out loud most folks cannot understand you because you are talking under your breath. I am assuming when you are mind mumbling you are thinking under your thoughts. If when mumbling outloud no one can understand you, does that mean mumbling in your mind that you cannot understand you? It makes sense to me. I believe we all have those moments.
I liken that to the movie OVERBOARD when Goldie Hawn is going "Bubbba bub bubu bububa" just before Kurt Russell dumps her in a barrel of rainwater. I think she had both mind mumbling going on as well as outloud mumbling.
"Mumble" through the day today... trying to bring back into focus meditating on something.... KISS Keep it simple sweetie!
"Let me understand the teaching of your precepts; then I will meditate on your wonders." Psalm 119:27
NEW NOTE: I entered this contest to win art supplies to donate to Covenant Kids, a part of the Foster program here in the North Texas Area. Please take a moment and go vote GOOD on the painting. These families can use these supplies for the children.

Laurie's entry on the Winsor Newton Artists' Acrylic Competition. You can vote for them here!

The Thoughts: Mind Mumbling came into thought last night. Could not find much on the internet but it is definitely rolling around at the moment in my head. I link it up with grumbling... do you ever mutter to yourself? Mind mumbling has got to be a fumbling around of thoughts in your head. Bottom line it is mind clutter.
Do you think we could make it something good by recycling it? Mind mumbling could be sanded gently into Mind Meditating. It would be a matter of letting go of the mumbo jumbo and adding focus.
When you mumble out loud most folks cannot understand you because you are talking under your breath. I am assuming when you are mind mumbling you are thinking under your thoughts. If when mumbling outloud no one can understand you, does that mean mumbling in your mind that you cannot understand you? It makes sense to me. I believe we all have those moments.
I liken that to the movie OVERBOARD when Goldie Hawn is going "Bubbba bub bubu bububa" just before Kurt Russell dumps her in a barrel of rainwater. I think she had both mind mumbling going on as well as outloud mumbling.
"Mumble" through the day today... trying to bring back into focus meditating on something.... KISS Keep it simple sweetie!
"Let me understand the teaching of your precepts; then I will meditate on your wonders." Psalm 119:27
NEW NOTE: I entered this contest to win art supplies to donate to Covenant Kids, a part of the Foster program here in the North Texas Area. Please take a moment and go vote GOOD on the painting. These families can use these supplies for the children.
Laurie's entry on the Winsor Newton Artists' Acrylic Competition. You can vote for them here!