'Emma's Light'
18 x 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
Commissioned SOLD
Contact me for your very own painted pony: Laurie
18 x 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
Commissioned SOLD
Contact me for your very own painted pony: Laurie

"O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our ancestors, keep forever such purposes and thoughts in the hearts of your people, and direct their hearts toward you." 1 Chronicles 29:18
The light of God surrounds you,
The love of God enfolds you,
And the presence of God watches over you;
Wherever you are, God is.
The Painting: It is for Miss Emma! Miss Emma is a young budding artist that lives many states north of Texas. She has a new room with new colors and her mom is a fabulous decorator, Gretchen Martini. I am honored Miss Emma will have one of my painted ponies in her room...and in return I get some of her art work, which I will hang and treasure. This is an oil painting that emerged spiritually onto a prepared canvas. The canvas had two layers of blue and Indian yellow paint on it. I began sketching and painting several days ago... and my prayers were centered in Emma and painting for her room.
The Thought: Are you living a "no excuse" life? or "the devil made me do it" life? The Greek Philosopher Epictetus once said, "God has entrusted me with myself." In fact I was intrigued by quite a few of his quotations when I was researching. Click here to read some of the four pages.
Is it fair to state we are responsible for ourselves and our lives? Some things I studied as I wrote this message today implied a full alone-ness for self- responsibility. I believe I am responsible for my actions and I will have to suffer all consequences for them both here on earth and before God. I do believe we are all empowered to take charge of our life (under HIS guidance), and it is our thinking, words and actions that mold our character. This 'molded character' becomes our destiny.
None of us has the power to control or change the world around us. None of us can change the people we love...our family and friends. True wisdom is the acceptance that we alone are responsible for our thoughts, our words, our actions, and our habits. There are no excuses and if you are not where you want to be right now, it is time to seek guidance from God and begin your life anew today, this moment. It is time to get where you want to be.
You will have to remind yourself almost every waking moment of your new direction and begin to convince yourself to believe that you can change. Own up for your actions and reactoins.
The Thought: Are you living a "no excuse" life? or "the devil made me do it" life? The Greek Philosopher Epictetus once said, "God has entrusted me with myself." In fact I was intrigued by quite a few of his quotations when I was researching. Click here to read some of the four pages.
Is it fair to state we are responsible for ourselves and our lives? Some things I studied as I wrote this message today implied a full alone-ness for self- responsibility. I believe I am responsible for my actions and I will have to suffer all consequences for them both here on earth and before God. I do believe we are all empowered to take charge of our life (under HIS guidance), and it is our thinking, words and actions that mold our character. This 'molded character' becomes our destiny.
None of us has the power to control or change the world around us. None of us can change the people we love...our family and friends. True wisdom is the acceptance that we alone are responsible for our thoughts, our words, our actions, and our habits. There are no excuses and if you are not where you want to be right now, it is time to seek guidance from God and begin your life anew today, this moment. It is time to get where you want to be.
You will have to remind yourself almost every waking moment of your new direction and begin to convince yourself to believe that you can change. Own up for your actions and reactoins.
"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." Epictetus
I leave you with this prayer of protection for this week:
Prayer for Protection:The light of God surrounds you,
The love of God enfolds you,
And the presence of God watches over you;
Wherever you are, God is.
“In that day you will say: "Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted.” Isaiah 12:4
Website, Laurie Justus Pace
Website, The Painted Pony
Blog, A Texas Contemporary Artist
Blog, Wonders of the Heart
Jackson, Wyoming – The Rare Gallery
Penn Yan, New York—Earthworks Art Gallery
The Village of Granville, Ohio—The Gillian Jones Gallery
Marble Falls, Texas – Patina of Marble Falls
Dallas, Texas—The Dutch Art Gallery
Atascadero, California – The Red Tree Gallery
El Dorado Hills, California—Our House Gallery
Hong Kong – SR Gallery
Erie, Colorado – The Daily Painters
Dallas,Texas – The Daily Painters of Texas
Centennial, Colorado—The Daily Painters Abstract
WAOW, Associate Member Women Artist Out West
OPA, Associate Member Oil Painters of America
AWS, American Watercolor Society
The Five Graces, 5Graces
Ask Art, Blue Book of Artists