6 x 6 inches
Oil on Board
Shown below with Female Nude study 213.

Contact me to purchase. Buy both at $125: Laurie

"And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" " Genesis 3:11
A Painting a Day:
Nude studies I have not painted in a long time. I may not be done with these...but they are close. Painting small is always a challenge and I am accustomed to doing nudes with a palette knife in multiple colors. These are with soft oils applied with brush.
My thought for the day:
When I think of the word "naked"... I don't really think of being with out clothes... I think of being emotionally open. It is a vulnerability of the soul.
The long term discussion of Eve and the apple still goes back to Adam stood there and watched her do it. He was guilty by not stepping up and saying "no". When I was painting these two figures I kept thinking of this part of the bible story...Adam looking off like "I can't see what she is doing..." and Eve looking up, " Hummm, maybe no one will notice if I just try a little."
I think we do this in our lives every day. We sit back and watch someone do something we know is wrong and we do nothing...we say nothing. Or we think we can bend the rules just a little bit and maybe no one will notice. (Yes that counts speeding down the street in your car over the speed limit.)
Think twice today before you do it and think no one is looking! God knows all even before you do it. Talk about vulnerable... He knows before you know.
"Even the bravest warriors will flee naked on that day," declares the LORD." Amos 2:16