"So when you are offering your gift at the alter, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift." Matthew 5:23-24.
The Painting: White orchids inspired by my mother's home, filled with these beauties; she has the magic touch with them. Layers from bottom to top working overlays of color, this is not quite finished, but I am posting it today.
The Thought: Sometime in your life I know you have experienced the learning, relearning experience. When you teach school they refer to the second time around as the 'reteach' lesson. When the first lessons comes around in your life you are suppose to muddle through it and glean information and save it for future times so you don't have to "learn" it again.
AH, but there is always something we do not get the first time around. Some of us take many times around of the reteach before we get it. Along this process of what could be years of experiencing and just not getting it, God is there forgiving us and trying to guide us. One major obstacle often is our own person...ourselves. We often do not get past forgiving ourselves, or we doom ourselves to be unable to go forward.
The lesson today, the 'reteach' lesson for today, is for you to release your past hurts, your past perceived slights by others and to forgive yourself. In the world there are those that resent you probably as much as you resent some of your own faults or you resent them. Healing needs to take place for you to move forward. Forgive yourself, then forgive others and then...most important, remember to ask for forgiveness from those you have hurt.
Just think about that for a few moments and let it sink in. What are you carrying around in your life right now, this moment that you need to let go of and forgive someone? Do you need to ask for their forgiveness as well?
Judge not others as you would want them to not judge you.
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4