"My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God." Proverbs 2:1-5
Every father has visions for life. At first as a young boy the dreams are of "what will I be when I grow up?" Some little boys want to play professional sports, some want to be mailmen... I have no clue what my dad's visions were as a child. I know by the time he was a young teenager, he worked to support his family. There were four children. My grandfather played baseball for the St Louis team back then in the late thirties, early forties. My grandmother was a school teacher, but I don't think she was teaching after there were four children. My dad was and is a go getter. He is a planner, a goal setter and an achiever. I wish today that I knew what his dreams were as a child.
As a man grows and becomes a father, he cannot help but have visions for his own children. He might want his first born son to go into the family business, or his daughter to marry and have many grandchildren for him...and his youngest to become a doctor. Only God's time and plan plays out... the true visions of "THE FATHER" in those young lives. God has a "vision" for each of us.
God the Father gave us a great gift in our earthly "fathers". It is so frustrating to me right now with my dad's alzheimers that he cannot give me the advice and guidance I have always turned to him for. When things are crazy and I am at a loss, I cannot call him... that is when I know I am to be depending on God the Father.
Time changes all things. The seasons in our lives are there for reasons. We cannot fight the change that is happening around us. The "visions" of what was to be are simply that... thoughts and dreams. God wants us to have those earthly visions. If we did not, we would not be able to set goals and fight to reach them. We would not be strengthen by the trials we face.
On this Father's Day, I honor both of my fathers... the Creator of all mankind and the world as we know it, and my earthly dad. Both fathers have sacrificed for me over my lifetime. Both fathers have given me guidance and lifted me up when I have fallen down. The time has come for God to watch over him and for him to be held tightly and safely until it is his time to leave this earth. I cherish the love I have been given by him and cannot wait to see him today when we travel to Bonham.
Every father has visions for life. At first as a young boy the dreams are of "what will I be when I grow up?" Some little boys want to play professional sports, some want to be mailmen... I have no clue what my dad's visions were as a child. I know by the time he was a young teenager, he worked to support his family. There were four children. My grandfather played baseball for the St Louis team back then in the late thirties, early forties. My grandmother was a school teacher, but I don't think she was teaching after there were four children. My dad was and is a go getter. He is a planner, a goal setter and an achiever. I wish today that I knew what his dreams were as a child.
As a man grows and becomes a father, he cannot help but have visions for his own children. He might want his first born son to go into the family business, or his daughter to marry and have many grandchildren for him...and his youngest to become a doctor. Only God's time and plan plays out... the true visions of "THE FATHER" in those young lives. God has a "vision" for each of us.
God the Father gave us a great gift in our earthly "fathers". It is so frustrating to me right now with my dad's alzheimers that he cannot give me the advice and guidance I have always turned to him for. When things are crazy and I am at a loss, I cannot call him... that is when I know I am to be depending on God the Father.
Time changes all things. The seasons in our lives are there for reasons. We cannot fight the change that is happening around us. The "visions" of what was to be are simply that... thoughts and dreams. God wants us to have those earthly visions. If we did not, we would not be able to set goals and fight to reach them. We would not be strengthen by the trials we face.
On this Father's Day, I honor both of my fathers... the Creator of all mankind and the world as we know it, and my earthly dad. Both fathers have sacrificed for me over my lifetime. Both fathers have given me guidance and lifted me up when I have fallen down. The time has come for God to watch over him and for him to be held tightly and safely until it is his time to leave this earth. I cherish the love I have been given by him and cannot wait to see him today when we travel to Bonham.
This is my dad is his Red St Louis ball cap.

These are the hands that held me when I was born. That walked the nights with me on his shoulder; that comforted me as a child when I was afraid; that towel dried my hair until I thought he would shake my brains out; that made me gargle Listerine when he pulled a loose tooth out of my mouth; that would flip on the light in my room before dawn when he caught me reading in the dark; that taught me how to wash a car and get the tar off the side; that introduced me to the lawn mower and how it worked ( he never said I could not wear my bikini when I mowed). I could carry this list on forever thinking of the things these hands did for me, and I rejoice as I will carry these thoughts through out this day and the next week.
This picture was taken in Bonham last week at the ice cream store.

Remember what loving things come from the hands of 'our fathers'.
"My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body." Proverbs 4:20-22