"Three Down South"
30 x 30 inches
Intense Oil on Canvas
Palette Knife Painting
Contact me to purchase: Laurie
30 x 30 inches
Intense Oil on Canvas
Palette Knife Painting
Contact me to purchase: Laurie

"He brought him outside and said, "Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them.'" Genesis 15:5
The Painting: So many things played into this composition. It was painted in 2008 but I retouched and reworked it as I brought it home from one of the galleries. The gallery lost it's lease and it was sad as it had just opened two months ago. This is one of my palette knife paint pulls of my horses. You can feel the summer day as you are pulled into the sunlight in the pasture. Using contrasting colors of reds and greens through out most of the composition, I down played the oranges and blues to build a quiet symphony of color in the background. Are they pausing at water or are they sharing the grass?
My Thoughts:
Have you ever stood outside (as an adult) and looked up into the vast night sky? Here in Texas you can see forever counting the stars and watching for the occasional shooting star. If you are a science buff or had a grandfather that took you star gazing, you begin to see the patterns making out the constellations in the sky. Another one of God's magnificent masterpieces! There seems to be no limit to His creation when you are realizing each star is a planet in itself. How deep your thoughts can go in His vast creation.
There is of course no limit to the good awaiting you as a child of God. The good He brings into your life is right there. But if you are like me, you might be missing it because you are so busy "living".
Live today by looking around to see what He has brought into your life. Health, wisdom, resources, family, home, friends, gifts to give back,... make a list and it becomes obvious that you have a multitude of good in your life.
“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;” Psalm 103:13