POPPIES Contemporary Art Flower Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 x 2 inch
OIL on Canvas
24 x 36 x 2 inch
OIL on Canvas

This short verse tied in so splendidly with the poppies. I had taken pictures of poppies earlier in the year when we visited Callaway's Nursery. There were so many different colors all in their little pots waiting to go home. All waving on their long stems in the Texas breeze. Poppies are not seen often growing around this area. I believe they do better in climates like California.
Rereading the Bible verse makes me realize that true peace does depend on me...and you of course. But peace only is available if we bring the harmony into the relationship. There is so much diversity in our world, and although we can see things around us, we may not often hear what others are saying. Our total perception of the world is a balance of both seeing and hearing. When you listen to someone, you need to be focused on that person and the words they are sharing with you. Otherwise you miss parts of the story when your mind is multi-tasking to other things yet to be done in your day.
Your range of understanding is affected by the effort you put into the relationship/conversation. With each experience we encounter in life comes a different reaction emotionally. So keeping your mind clear of clutter and truly listening to others gives you the ability to keep peace and harmony. Your friends trust and value you because of your open heart and mind. Relationships flourish with trust and respect...and from that your life will be fuller.
In the Saturday workshop we attended there was a saying, Take Three and Save Thirty. When your child (or friend, or spouse) is in a meltdown situation, take three and save thirty. STOP everything for three minutes and focus all your energy on that person. The three minutes you invest in them, stopping their world, helping them regulate back to a rational place, will save you both thirty minutes of meltdown. The person melting down immediately is able to stop the process of disruption as you talk them back to rational thinking.
The different colored poppies flutter together harmoniously in the Texas wind....can you bring healing and harmony to relationships in your life?
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14