PINK FLAMINGOS Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Contemporary Art for the Home.
18 x 27 Oil on canvas
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Contemporary Art for the Home.
18 x 27 Oil on canvas
SOLD from the blog! Thank you.

Okay I had to get some pink flamingos out of my system. The Florida Tourist folks have a WONDERFUL commercial out about visiting the state and this scene with thousands of pink flamingos flashes by on a soft yellow background.... and wow. Drove me crazy the first time I saw it... at dinner during the news. Then again the next night and the next night and by golly I had to paint pink Flamingos. Consider yourself PINKED. I had fun painting it and probably no one wants to buy pink flamingos....but if you do, contact me! Meanwhile it will hang in my garden room and I will sit back with a cool glass of water and have dreams of Florida where I spent my honeymoon.
Sitting back to dream on my flamingos reminds me that we each have the choice to determine how we view the world with all its complexities. It is a mini vacation staring at my pink babies. The real world is fraught with difficulties and pain. Many times if you are like me, you wonder how anything positive could come out of some of the worst situations...and then remember that anything is possible with God. His spirit is in every situation, every person and every circumstance.
Turning into Him provides you with pure energy and the knowledge you will never be forgotten or abandon by Him, as He is constant. Quiet your racing thoughts and listen. Divine Order, HIS divine order is moving through you right now.
Seek your balance today.... in Him.
“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” Ecclesiastes 11:5

Sitting back to dream on my flamingos reminds me that we each have the choice to determine how we view the world with all its complexities. It is a mini vacation staring at my pink babies. The real world is fraught with difficulties and pain. Many times if you are like me, you wonder how anything positive could come out of some of the worst situations...and then remember that anything is possible with God. His spirit is in every situation, every person and every circumstance.
Turning into Him provides you with pure energy and the knowledge you will never be forgotten or abandon by Him, as He is constant. Quiet your racing thoughts and listen. Divine Order, HIS divine order is moving through you right now.
Seek your balance today.... in Him.
“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” Ecclesiastes 11:5
FIRST PICTURE in this painting for a family on the east coast.
