No 185 Into the Night Horse Equine Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
Oil on Canvas

When I crawl in bed at night, a welcoming sigh or a release of breath usually comes. The day is over, the night is here and rest is soon to be. It is a welcoming time of prayer and meditation and the joy of reading my bible and the book at my bedside. The world ceases for this time as I draw into the centering moments before sleep connecting to the peace and quiet of the night. It is here I welcome the arms of my Father to hold me as I fall asleep with His comfort.
The mornings bring anticipation of a new day and new beginnings and the celebration of His world waking around me. This is a time to stop and collect your racing thoughts of what needs to be done this day... and center yourself to align your day with His plans as well.
Terry and I spent yesterday trying to sort and organize and put things out for big trash pick up. That is what I wanted for my anniversary...less clutter! I wanted peace with in my home....but the best plans never seem to work out as we hoped despite our desires. I had to practice focusing on what was instead of what I wanted. He was not feeling well all day and spent the day graduating from Jello to crackers and cheese and finally to full meal last night.
Either morning, noon or night, or anytime... you can find that inner peace. With it you can move forward with confidence and serenity.
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." John 14:27
And I LOVE your paintings! Especially the equine ones ... so full of movement and life ... absolutely beautiful!