Contemporary Art Horse Equine Acrylic Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches
Contact me for more information: Laurie
Contemporary Art Horse Equine Acrylic Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches
Contact me for more information: Laurie

Why I decided to paint with tangerine I do not know. The Spirit led me. Right now floating in my mind is a yellow background with pink flamingos. I have this thing about color... I think that is why my Father infuses the world with color to give us energy and strength. We react emotionally to colors as well. Your home reflects you by its colors.
I am unusual that I have always bought white towels and white sheets, and light furniture and I allow the artwork and accents of pillows and accessories to make the room come alive. This allows me to change the mood of a room easily. In this healing home we went with a soft dove grey on the walls. Some rooms pop with colors of RED RED and white and black (kitchen) and the living room with deep rust red, tangerine, navy blues and greens, the dining room with rust, orange, yellows and golds. Our bedroom I did not paint dove grey. Our bedroom is Lavender Twilight.
Hummm...pictures. Here is the kitchen, the dining room and the living. I do not have a bedroom shot.
I am unusual that I have always bought white towels and white sheets, and light furniture and I allow the artwork and accents of pillows and accessories to make the room come alive. This allows me to change the mood of a room easily. In this healing home we went with a soft dove grey on the walls. Some rooms pop with colors of RED RED and white and black (kitchen) and the living room with deep rust red, tangerine, navy blues and greens, the dining room with rust, orange, yellows and golds. Our bedroom I did not paint dove grey. Our bedroom is Lavender Twilight.
Hummm...pictures. Here is the kitchen, the dining room and the living. I do not have a bedroom shot.
Living Room at Christmas Time
Okay the kitchen was really transformed. FIRST the old pictures and than the new!
Dark cabinets and pink countertops.
Uncle John has been repairing doors and he is busy painting woodwork.
Now we have natural cabinets and granite countertops.
right, Diane Whitehead, Toni Grote and Debra Hurd.
Two different looks in the dining room.
And looking out into the garden room:
I may have to do a blog for the house at this rate...we really have been busy. When we bought this home, we blessed it and gave it to the Lord. "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." In this house we feel His presence and we call it our healing home. Within these walls we have sought refuge from the world and know His healing grace.
Last summer my Mom stayed with us for close to three months. She was in and out of the hospital for various situations. It was in the garden room that she and I sat every morning breaking our fast together in the word and with our first meal of the day. With in the glassed walls we watched squirrels and birds and Paddy and Annie. Over those three months we watched the path of the sun as it moved its path in the sky each morning. God became our healing strength in her life.
Today is Mother's Day. I honor my mom with love and words of Thank You. Thank you for always providing in my life, your home open to me. I spent many a week visiting you from out of town, gathering my strength and health back to return home to begin again. It was through His grace I could offer that back to you. God Spirit is present within you, within me, and within these walls. Thank you for always setting the best example with your life.
Bless your mom today and bless anyone that has nurtured you and help you heal and strengthen when life has been painful.
"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13