Sunset Strip
24 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas
Sunset Strip
24 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas

ONE THOUSAND BLOGS.... this is actually 1000 blogs entries. One thousand days of painting, blogging and sharing. I give thanks to my Father. I give thanks to you for the continued inspiration of this miraculous journey.
In our life times we have so many different journeys to make. It begins early in life as we begin to crawl and then walk. Next comes talking and learning more about relationships with people...our mom and dad or siblings; then we begin to be aware of our environment. We grow every day in the grace of Him and all He created.
We continue with journeys of the heart in our family and friend relationships and eventually some of us with our soul mate in marriage or a long term relationship. We journey with our pets and everything that comes into our lives through Him.
Our most precious journey is our journey with the Lord. He is the giver of all things. This relationship is the essence of goodness and love.
It is with Him I begin this day on my 1000th posting on this blog....1000 days. I am closing in on three full years. Much has happened over these 1000 days. The highlight: we buried our eldest grandson, Grant; we were in a 9 car accident hit by an 18 wheeler; both of our fathers had heart surgery in the same week; we helped my father in law close down his household of 62 years and downsize to an apartment; we moved once; we nursed my mother back to health, closed down her household and moved her to a new home; with heavy heart we face Alzheimers with my Dad; we traveled to Wyoming twice, Breckenridge CO once, New York twice, Marble Falls TX many times and St Louis Mo.; we shared family joys and new beginnings with the birth of our first grand daughter; and yesterday we celebrated Mothers Day toasting the four born generation of Pirringer/Justus/Pace/Hendren women, my mom, myself, my daughter and my grand daughter. I give thanks for each and every new day.
Where will your journey take you today? Look back over your last 1000 days... and give thanks.
"The man named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all living."--Genesis 3:20
In our life times we have so many different journeys to make. It begins early in life as we begin to crawl and then walk. Next comes talking and learning more about relationships with people...our mom and dad or siblings; then we begin to be aware of our environment. We grow every day in the grace of Him and all He created.
We continue with journeys of the heart in our family and friend relationships and eventually some of us with our soul mate in marriage or a long term relationship. We journey with our pets and everything that comes into our lives through Him.
Our most precious journey is our journey with the Lord. He is the giver of all things. This relationship is the essence of goodness and love.
It is with Him I begin this day on my 1000th posting on this blog....1000 days. I am closing in on three full years. Much has happened over these 1000 days. The highlight: we buried our eldest grandson, Grant; we were in a 9 car accident hit by an 18 wheeler; both of our fathers had heart surgery in the same week; we helped my father in law close down his household of 62 years and downsize to an apartment; we moved once; we nursed my mother back to health, closed down her household and moved her to a new home; with heavy heart we face Alzheimers with my Dad; we traveled to Wyoming twice, Breckenridge CO once, New York twice, Marble Falls TX many times and St Louis Mo.; we shared family joys and new beginnings with the birth of our first grand daughter; and yesterday we celebrated Mothers Day toasting the four born generation of Pirringer/Justus/Pace/Hendren women, my mom, myself, my daughter and my grand daughter. I give thanks for each and every new day.
Where will your journey take you today? Look back over your last 1000 days... and give thanks.
"The man named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all living."--Genesis 3:20