18 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas
18 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas
Contact me to purchase: Laurie

Yesterday I finally got some painting done! SMILE! We keep Baby Lauren on Monday and Tuesday and in the midst of this we balance out packing and shipping. Tag team works great, but we look forward to when she is a bit more distracted by words and music. She is still in that survival FEED ME part of the brain. We have to watch we don't overfeed her!
During those two days my brain is on steroids thinking of all the things I want to paint on Wednesday. So by seven Wednesday morning, I had three canvas sketched out for paintings and three more ideas in my brain to do as well....
For some reason I am at one of those points when I can sense something with in grasp but have no idea what it is... but the anticipation is building. I hear God saying preparation, slow down and pray. Be Still. It will come. In a sense it leaves me a bit anxious if I dwell on it, but I am easily distracted right now with my paintings. Staying in the moment I will focus on what is on the easel right now and not thinking about what tomorrow will bring. God has given much to me THIS day and this is the day I will live to it's fullest.
Sometime in the next few blogs I want to share some of what we learned at our class this last weekend. It is still settling in around my brain and Terry and spent time through out the past days reflecting on the new skills and how to use them with everyone in our lives, not just children. It is a revolutionary way to parent, to deal with any relationship or even with folks you only pass by in the check out line. It is a skill that will improve your marriage as well. Heather Forbes wrote the books... and they were directed at relationships with foster children or children that have been through trauma.
Heck, I have been there, haven't you? More to come on this "new age" concept that truly is working. Grace, grant grace to someone you are irritated with today... this will start you off on the right track to thinking and acting outside the box.
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30
During those two days my brain is on steroids thinking of all the things I want to paint on Wednesday. So by seven Wednesday morning, I had three canvas sketched out for paintings and three more ideas in my brain to do as well....
For some reason I am at one of those points when I can sense something with in grasp but have no idea what it is... but the anticipation is building. I hear God saying preparation, slow down and pray. Be Still. It will come. In a sense it leaves me a bit anxious if I dwell on it, but I am easily distracted right now with my paintings. Staying in the moment I will focus on what is on the easel right now and not thinking about what tomorrow will bring. God has given much to me THIS day and this is the day I will live to it's fullest.
Sometime in the next few blogs I want to share some of what we learned at our class this last weekend. It is still settling in around my brain and Terry and spent time through out the past days reflecting on the new skills and how to use them with everyone in our lives, not just children. It is a revolutionary way to parent, to deal with any relationship or even with folks you only pass by in the check out line. It is a skill that will improve your marriage as well. Heather Forbes wrote the books... and they were directed at relationships with foster children or children that have been through trauma.
Heck, I have been there, haven't you? More to come on this "new age" concept that truly is working. Grace, grant grace to someone you are irritated with today... this will start you off on the right track to thinking and acting outside the box.
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30