Heart Wonder 1
Contemporary Art Heart Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
12 x 12 inches Collage Mixed Mediums
Contact Laurie to purchase.
Please mention title of painting.
This is the first in my series on my new blog:

Contemporary Art Heart Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
12 x 12 inches Collage Mixed Mediums
Contact Laurie to purchase.
Please mention title of painting.
This is the first in my series on my new blog:

Deep within the base is the book of Solomon. Then there
are a few of my favorite words added from old books.
Thirdly there are four layers of paint followed by inks.
are a few of my favorite words added from old books.
Thirdly there are four layers of paint followed by inks.

This is the first in my Wonders of the Heart Series.
Wonders of the Heart
Caught in the glint of soft light dancing in her eyes
and the half smile breaking across her tender lips
is my heart.
Such is the fullness of my heart's content.
Caught in the glint of soft light dancing in her eyes
and the half smile breaking across her tender lips
is my heart.
Such is the fullness of my heart's content.
What keeps your heart content? What makes you sigh with contentment as your muscles relax and your eyes close?
In our busy world these moments seem far and in between. Do they truly still exist? Yesterday seemed full of so many new things I was doing. I should have had a clue that things are changing when I was able to clean off all the files piled on my computer desktop screen. Filing things where they should be instead of dropped onto the current clutter. Then I started working on a commission painting and it truly is going in a positive direction. Then I decided to take a break and go a different direction and began to lose myself in thought of what process I wanted to use to create something that made me smile. I am smiling. It is only a first but there has to be a first step before you can take the second, the third or even begin running.
Remember that today... be content in the moment.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4
In our busy world these moments seem far and in between. Do they truly still exist? Yesterday seemed full of so many new things I was doing. I should have had a clue that things are changing when I was able to clean off all the files piled on my computer desktop screen. Filing things where they should be instead of dropped onto the current clutter. Then I started working on a commission painting and it truly is going in a positive direction. Then I decided to take a break and go a different direction and began to lose myself in thought of what process I wanted to use to create something that made me smile. I am smiling. It is only a first but there has to be a first step before you can take the second, the third or even begin running.
Remember that today... be content in the moment.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4