Baby Beagle is an Oil on W/C paper and is 6 x 6 inches.
Contemporary Dog Painting
Contact me to purchase: Laurie
Contemporary Dog Painting
Contact me to purchase: Laurie

There is a terrific new set of artists that invited me to be apart of their postings for Dog paintings. The blog is I was thrilled to be included in this group and "wowed" by the artists participating. When you have time, visit and see some new teriffic dog art.
George Eliot wrote: "We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment."
One thing about dogs is how they love us unconditionally. Those big eyes staring at you when you are sitting there watching TV, or when you are eating and they are parked next to the chair watching your hand move from the plate on the table to your mouth. Yes they are there, abundant with their unconditional love.
Dogs allow you to release stress. You can do this just by petting them. They can handle problems too; when you need to talk, they do not interupt you. As you let off steam and discuss the events of the day...they listen. They turn their little heads cocking them at an angle back and forth trying desperately to understand what you are saying to them. Dogs have a positive outlook... they could teach us so much.
Dogs are referred to as man's best friend. We rely on them to protect us, serve us and entertain us. They reflect to us the heart of their creator. They are always oblivious to our faults and love us despite them all. God seems to love us despite our faults too. God's love for us is unchanging...just like our dog's love for us.
Person by person and dog by dog...prayer by prayer... it is a better world, abundant with love.
Find a dog to pet today.
"Those who are attentive to a matter will prosper, and happy are those who trust in the Lord." Proverbs 16:20