No. 91 Patio Geraniums
Contemporary Floral Flower Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
SOLD to a California collector! Thank you!
12 x 16 inches Acrylic on Canvas
Contact me to purchase: Laurie
Contemporary Floral Flower Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
SOLD to a California collector! Thank you!
12 x 16 inches Acrylic on Canvas
Contact me to purchase: Laurie

"I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world." John 16:33

Have you noticed the hay day the media has taken off on? "Stock market has closed at the lowest rate since 1987" or "Unemployment Rates are up to 11% in the state of California" or
"Over 500 people stand in line to apply for a janitor position."
The Sky is Falling... THE SKY IS FALLING!!!
"Chicken Little was eating lunch one day and suddenly she felt a "PLOP" on her head. Golly that truly hurt. (Little did she realize it was an acorn from the tree nearby.) She decided immediately she had to tell the King that the SKY WAS FALLING and she had been hit by a piece of sky. On her journey to the castle, she greets other animals and retells her story over and over again. Her friends, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky and Goosey Loosey all go along with Chicken Little to tell the King the sky is falling. The chickens are definitely all upset and feeding on each others fears. They come across Foxy Loxy on the road. All the chickens are clucking at once telling Foxy Loxy that the sky is falling and they must get to the king. The Fox decides to play along with the frenzied chickens and he joins the pack. As they cluck along, Foxy Loxy begins to eat one chicken at a time, eating the last one in line all the way to the front, including Chicken Little. The moral of the story is when you whip the populace into mass hysteria, some unscrupulous person will manipulate and benefit from the mass hysteria."
The media is the best image of Chicken Little I can see. They are constantly blowing things up around us warning of trouble that is coming.
Trusting in God is primary and believing you are you truly are.
Joyfully yours,
"Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you." I Chronicles 28:20
The media is the best image of Chicken Little I can see. They are constantly blowing things up around us warning of trouble that is coming.
Can you do anything about any of it?
Now it is time for you and me to turn our attention inward to God, using our heart, mind and soul and concentrate on the spirit of God and how He works in our lives. Can you feel His spirit filling you with calmness, joy, abundance and courage? Feel that courage building with in you. You can and will resolve what ever confronts you from this depression.Can you do anything about any of it?
Trusting in God is primary and believing you are you truly are.
Joyfully yours,
"Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you." I Chronicles 28:20