No. 87 Geraniums
Contemporary Art Flower Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace
SOLD to a California Collector!! Thank you!
18 x 27 inches of gorgeous color! Can you feel Spring yet?
Contact me to purchase: Laurie
Contemporary Art Flower Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace
SOLD to a California Collector!! Thank you!
18 x 27 inches of gorgeous color! Can you feel Spring yet?
Contact me to purchase: Laurie

Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father
I have made known to you."
John 15:15
Do you value your friends? Some of them are closer than others. Loving intimate friendships that grow over time are the ones that survive the good and bad times. Those friends are often the ones that bring calm to our lives. Leave it to a good friend to celebrate all the different victories in our lives, small and large. The connection to this wonderful person crosses all boundaries and often fills the emptiest part of us. It is that friend that sticks to you through thick and thin. They are the one encouraging you when you are dragging your feet through the mud. That stand and hold you up when you want to give up and fall down; and they are your strongest prayer warrior, always remembering you in prayer and lifting up your needs and your hearts desire.
Some of us are blessed and have a friend from the cradle to the grave. I am honored to have had my husband in my life since I was eleven. Not quite the cradle but close. My oldest friend from age 12, my JJ; my sorority sister that is like my true sister and my daughter's god-mother, Yvonne; my soul sister that keeps me straight, Niki; my sister/friend that loves to surprise me, and make me laugh, Charlene; my oldest guy friend from jr high, Sheriff Paul; my sister in heART, Conni; my sister in life and love, Jan; I could go on and on for quite a while...but these friends in my life are there always for me. They have walked some of life's most horrible moments with me and in turn as well they have celebrated some of my greatest joys. These are friends I pray for every night night before I go to bed, and every morning before I start my day.
God has to be my closest oldest friend. I have talked with Him more than anyone else I know. He knows the goods and the bad about me, and He still loves me. He loves me unconditionally even when I try to go the wrong way in life. Think about it, He cannot wait to spend time with me. He watches every thing I do including when I sleep. He eagerly waits for me to speak to Him the moment I wake up. He walks beside me all day and is there to help at anytime. He sits with me at meals, next to me in the car and on the stool in the kitchen when I am cooking. I love hearing Him laugh. You know what they say...if you want to hear God laugh, just make a plan.
Did Jesus have friends? Seems like after Jesus got on up in age and began sharing God's love, everyone wanted to be near Him. Makes you wonder where these friends were as He was arrested. Obviously they were not standing with Him. Jesus forgave them all. He loved them as they were, just as God loves each of us.
Celebrate your friends this day. Call some of them you don't see often and let them know you love them and are thinking about them. Don't wait for a crisis to occur before you call. Be a friend in fair weather as well. That is the rewarding part of trusted friendships, the give and take. Just as flowers bloom in wonderful colors as spring arrives, so are our friends, each different in color and fragrance. Keep your garden of friends "cultivated" with love. Give them your attention today.
Note to Kathy M: You know sweet friend I try really hard to get this blog up for you to read after you shower!!! I have learned to post the picture and have everything ready the night before. Then I hit it running about 5:45 so I can finish the post around six. This is for you have been someone that keeps me going with this and Jan! Did I remember to say THANK YOU?? Thank you Kathy, Thank you Jan!
Note to Judy, my newest friend in heART...thanks for the blog connection. To each of you reading this blog scroll down on the right and look for Judy Mackey link with a painting in it. She lives in the DFW area and we just connected this weekend. New friendships are to be celebrated as the journey begins.
Simple abundance of love,
"Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the LORD, saying, 'The LORD is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever.' " 1 Samuel 20:42