Mama's Boy
Contemporary Art Long Horn Bevo UT Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches Oil/Acrylic layers on Canvas
SOLD. Thank you.
Contact me to purchase. Laurie
Contemporary Art Long Horn Bevo UT Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches Oil/Acrylic layers on Canvas
SOLD. Thank you.
Contact me to purchase. Laurie

"Because of this, in fact, I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, because I know the one in whom my faith is set and I am convinced that he is able to protect what has been entrusted to me until that day." Timothy 1:12
When I woke up with a leg cramp at 3:30 this morning, in my prayer time I came across the thought of...
Are you a participant or a victim?
Okay, so those are weird thoughts for that time of wee hours, yet when I think of living life as a believer I am a participant in God's plan. I am never a victim. I work on finding the positive side of everything and constantly buff off my rose color glasses.
In our lives God definitely confronts each of us with adverse circumstances....are you a participant or a victim? Our perspective of this changes the instant we become the participant.
Today we tend to embrace a perspective which predisposes a collapse of an individual under adverse circumstances. Many people crumble easily like a victim would, instead of digging in deep to persevere. This new perspective seen in lives today, is the role of victim. We tend to shun off responsibility for our personal actions and attitudes when we feel we have been wronged or when life dishes us up something unpleasant. It is so much easier to play the role of victim. That way whatever happens from that point is no longer your fault.
We know by scriptures that we will receive unjust treatment and face trials and testing of our faith. If you believe in His grace, you know whatever circumstances are in your life are there for you to grow. You are building strength. You are gathering wisdom. There is an underlying gift...take hold and unwrap it.
Live your life with Joy and Abundance,
A victim is an unfortunate person who suffers from some adverse circumstance.
In our lives God definitely confronts each of us with adverse circumstances....are you a participant or a victim? Our perspective of this changes the instant we become the participant.
Today we tend to embrace a perspective which predisposes a collapse of an individual under adverse circumstances. Many people crumble easily like a victim would, instead of digging in deep to persevere. This new perspective seen in lives today, is the role of victim. We tend to shun off responsibility for our personal actions and attitudes when we feel we have been wronged or when life dishes us up something unpleasant. It is so much easier to play the role of victim. That way whatever happens from that point is no longer your fault.
We know by scriptures that we will receive unjust treatment and face trials and testing of our faith. If you believe in His grace, you know whatever circumstances are in your life are there for you to grow. You are building strength. You are gathering wisdom. There is an underlying gift...take hold and unwrap it.
Live your life with Joy and Abundance,
"Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set out for Him He endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2