Billie Jean's Pots
Contemporary Flower Art Floral Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Reflections if the posting theme for DP today. and my Reflections post will be added to this blog later.
CURRENTLY, my reflection is memory...and today I will add a painting reflecting the thoughts and painting below!
This is an older painting, probably 15 x 30. My mother in law used to keep colorful pots and every spring she filled them with flowers. I decided I would paint a few of these this spring.. so be prepared!!!
This one sold three years ago... but I love painting commission pieces, contact me: Laurie
Contemporary Flower Art Floral Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Reflections if the posting theme for DP today. and my Reflections post will be added to this blog later.
CURRENTLY, my reflection is memory...and today I will add a painting reflecting the thoughts and painting below!
This is an older painting, probably 15 x 30. My mother in law used to keep colorful pots and every spring she filled them with flowers. I decided I would paint a few of these this spring.. so be prepared!!!
This one sold three years ago... but I love painting commission pieces, contact me: Laurie

Spring is here in Dallas..early but it is here. I have spoken about ABUNDANCE continually through out the past months and now want to challenge you to plan something for others in your life. Make JOY abundant.
1. Plan a simple party with a spring theme to it.... Simple Joy or Blooming Abundance.
2. If you don't want to do invitations, you can phone friends to come. This party is to celebrate life and all we have.
3. If you can, have everyone bring something to the party to share food wise so no one is overwhelmed.
4. Have every one bring a $5 gift for a gift exchange. Candles, books, stationary...something simple. OR share something you have in your home... something that is abundant. Like fresh herbs you have grown, a loaf of homemade bread, or some newly baked chocolate chip cookies.
5. Have some white note cards available and pass one out to each guest. Give them a pencil or pen as well. Have each person list their strongest point and their weakest point and some desires of their heart. Later as you share, the back of the card can be used to list what others need prayer for. These cards go home with each friend so you can pray for each other.
This exercise can be shared together. Often friends make you realize strengths you didn't know you had. When we start sharing these things we begin to see each other in a life giving role as we give to each other the best of what we have. Together we are strong. One friend may have a bold beautiful personality; another friend may be gifted with gentle giving and sharing dinners with those in need; another may be gifted with her rose colored glasses and her ability to see the best in every situation. All of us are weak in some areas of life, so coming together brings out an abundant life force and our strength is magnified. Our sharing of prayers cultivates a bond of love between us enabling us to weather the storms surrounding us and the ones on the horizon.
This is the time to enjoy the friends that make up the garden in your life... and Spring is the perfect time to do it! Later in the summer do it again and revisit the desires of the heart. Save your cards and see if anything has changed with the shared prayers.
With my gift to you... Joy.
"Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2