To The Rescue
Contemporary Art Child Figurative Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
9 x 12 inches
Oil on Linen Panel
Contact me to purchase or for commission work: Laurie
Contemporary Art Child Figurative Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
9 x 12 inches
Oil on Linen Panel
Contact me to purchase or for commission work: Laurie

"I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.'." Lamentations 3:24
Trusting the Father.
Terry and I were walking yesterday and circled the nearby elementary playground where no less than eight different mini soccer teams were practicing. So many little legs kicking soccer balls while siblings played happily on all the wonderful playground equipment. This area is full of families, happiness and tons of children. This is where both Terry and I grew up.Trusting the Father.
As we continued our walk out through the neighborhood, we saw in front of us and across the street a little boy with a red cape tied around his neck. The red cape partially flew behind him trailing slightly on the concrete. He was holding his father's hand as the father pushed a baby carriage with the other hand. Terry remarked,
"It is special when a super hero in a red cape can still hold his father's hand."
I began to giggle and realized then the depth in what he had just said.... We all run around in our lives trying to be super heroes; we struggle to overcome obstacles daily and it seems to be bred in us to win win win. I also believe in the good in each of us that we wear that red cape and our hearts reach out to rescue others in need.
Jesus had a crimson "cape" placed on his shoulders just before he was nailed to the cross. He wore a crown of thorns on his head. Was he a super hero? He held the hand of His Father every step of the journey as he struggled to carrying that wooden cross; the crowds tortured and brutalized him.
As much as we struggle with daily in our lives, not many of us trust enough to place our hand in our Father's hand. WHY? I am guilty of it right now. If you are worried about something and are stewing about it, you are as guilty as I am. Banish those thoughts from your head and lift your heart in prayer to the Father. Extend your hand to take His hand. Heroic spiritual lives are built by the accumulation of days, weeks, months, and years of obedience to God, holding His Hand and following His way. Spurts of pleasing God on occasion do not mount to much. Consistent obedience builds the best defense against temptation and sin. You can keep your red cape on and still play super hero every day, but TRUST He walks with you to meet your every need.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have ben called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
Jesus had a crimson "cape" placed on his shoulders just before he was nailed to the cross. He wore a crown of thorns on his head. Was he a super hero? He held the hand of His Father every step of the journey as he struggled to carrying that wooden cross; the crowds tortured and brutalized him.
As much as we struggle with daily in our lives, not many of us trust enough to place our hand in our Father's hand. WHY? I am guilty of it right now. If you are worried about something and are stewing about it, you are as guilty as I am. Banish those thoughts from your head and lift your heart in prayer to the Father. Extend your hand to take His hand. Heroic spiritual lives are built by the accumulation of days, weeks, months, and years of obedience to God, holding His Hand and following His way. Spurts of pleasing God on occasion do not mount to much. Consistent obedience builds the best defense against temptation and sin. You can keep your red cape on and still play super hero every day, but TRUST He walks with you to meet your every need.
"It is special when a super hero in a red cape can still hold his Father's hand."
Joy and Abundance,Laurie
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have ben called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28